- $uicideboy$ Tulane 歌詞
- $uicideboy$
- [Verse 1: Yung Scarecrow]
我躺在松木床上血流不止 Been about a day since I bled in a pine bed 當他們發現我死亡時面露恐慌 Get em full of dread when they find out that I'm dead 聽信了藥癮者吞噬大量藥物 Body full of meds mislead by a pill head 去TM的FBI官員 Fucking infared cocked back ready for the FED 666 Triple six 666 Triple six 牆上掛著耶穌受難像 Rockin a upside crucifix 癲狂的精神病患者 Luminous lunatic 正在粉碎屍體 Shreddin the bodies 歐我對這並不陌生 Oh no I'm not new to this 邪惡的** 為儀式而做愛具有精神感染力像往常一樣做愛 Satanic bitches that fuck for the ritual, spiritual visuals, fuckboys habituals 嘴上說著TM的賤人你什麼都不懂別讓我成為下半身思考的動物 Talking that shit, you don't know bitch, don't make me get physical 在苦痛邊緣徘徊吸食大麻注射毒品 Walking round miserable, smoking that medical, shoot up a bag of dope 依賴藥物 Dependent on chemicals 我在被繩索懸掛充滿威信的頭顱之上 I'm on a pedestal neck hanging from a rope 骨瘦如柴看似性慾強烈可我無欲無求 Scarecrow the skeletal, fuck is acceptable, I have no frontal lobe **你永遠成為不了在病房吸食海洛因之人 [Verse 2: 7th Ward Dragon] 去TM的NOPD 去TM的JPPD Bitch you can never be the 7th ward dragon 白旗翻飛 Fuck NOPD and fuck JPPD 紅寶石紅櫻桃 All the white flags flapping 他會對我做什麼呢 Ruby da Cherry 無法想像 What will he do to me? 駕駛一輛載著怪物的卡車 I can't even imagine 藏好槍械 Riding in a monster truck AK-47 AK tucked 聽著搖滾樂實際上我外強中乾 47 shots is what the AK pump 當電吉他響起我就請他們吃槍子 I be that lakefront punk with a vacant trunk 然後我在深淵等候他們的到來 Take some when the bass bump 你將逃離我糟糕的深淵 Then I wait for them at the bottom of the pit 真TM的糟糕 You'll be coming out the fucking bottom of my pit 鮮紅的血液從我那鬥牛犬的唇角低落 That's pitbull shit 666 Red blood dripping off my fucking pitbull's lips 過了6天 Triple the digits of 6 在第七天我迴光返照 6 days went by 神給予我指示使我頭腦清晰 On the seventh day I shine 在我的腦海中粉飾一切 7th ward diamond minds illuminated by divine signs 毯子蓋在一枚罰款的10分硬幣上 Painted by my mind's eye ** 我赤身裸體將要升天 Blankets lying on a fine dime Bitch I'm naked and I might die