- Buddy Guy 74 Years Young 歌詞
- Buddy Guy
- Im 74 years young, there aint nothing I havent done
按說一個74歲的人沒有什麼是不曾做過的 Ive been a dog and Ive been a tomcat 我以往的生活就充滿激情精彩無比 I chased some tails and I left some tracks 也曾在求索的路上不停追逐 I still know how to have my fun cause Im 74 years young 不過我才74歲啊仍然深諳享樂之道
還知道許多那方面好用的花招 Got a few good tricks up my sleeve 我懂得怎麼取悅一個女人 I know everything that a good woman needs 尊重她們又把分寸拿捏的剛好 I show respect and I treat em right 她們才願意和我次次共度良宵 They all keep coming back night after night 可是千萬不要和我談愛情啊寶貝兒 When it come to loving, I aint never done 我年輕得只有74歲 Im 74 years young 周遊過世界也曾經四海為家 Ive been all around the world, everywhere is home 三教九流都來和我喝酒交朋友 Drink wine with kings and the Rolling Stones 臉上的傷疤都來自打贏的架 I got a few scars from the battles I won 這就是我年輕得只有74歲 Cause Im 74 years young 周遊過世界也曾經四海為家
三教九流都來和我喝酒交朋友 Ive been all around the world, everywhere is home 臉上的傷疤都來自打贏的架 Drink wine with kings and the Rolling Stones 這就是我年輕得只有74歲 I got a few scars from all the battles I won 年齡不能妨礙我尋歡作樂 Im 74 years young 直到我對一切不再起念 74 years young, gonna keep on having fun 真是美好的時光 When I get to them end of the line 但今晚我覺得自己年輕力壯雖然在這個年紀
別和我談愛情啊寶貝 real good time 因為我年輕得只有74歲 But tonight I feel like Im 21, Im 74 years young 別和我談愛情啊寶貝 When it come to loving, I aint never done 我鄭重地告訴你我74歲了 Cause Im 74 years young 是應該知其所止的時候了 When it come to loving, I aint never done 在74歲這樣的年紀 Im here to tell you, I said Im 74 years young I aint ever had enough of nothing 74 years young