- Brodie Barclay Corduroy 歌詞
- Addict. Brodie Barclay
- Again again
回憶再次席捲 ye it came and it went 來來去去 coz you got the thing that makes it intense 只因你的出現使得事情變得緊張 like everybody's watchin 像是每個人都在看著 Call if at all you get stuck in the wall 或許當你在深陷困境就打給我 Bring me the wind you caught in the fall 給我你在秋天抓過的風 Nothin else should matter 其他的都無所謂 Rotten forgotten like food on the floor 彷彿就是被遺忘而腐爛在地板上的食物 Give me a second or two minutes more 給我更多時間 S'all i'm asking 我有資格去請求嗎 Cry me a river of ten miles wide 我的眼淚早已匯集成十英里寬的河流 Build me a boat with the whites of your eyes 讓你的眼白給我建造一艘船 And i' ll float on by 我會繼續在淚河漂泊 Running around with your head in the clouds 在雲端中圍繞著你我不斷奔波 Thinking about corduroy 想著燈芯絨 Filling the void corduroy 填滿著燈芯絨的空白 Making our noise in corduroy 用燈芯絨製造屬於我們的聲音 You're missing the point 你彷彿在錯過要點 Now i'm annoyed 現在我有點生氣 Flipping a coin for corduroy 為了燈芯絨糾結地丟擲著硬幣 Stuck in the know 即使知道其中緣由 Watching you go 也只能看著你走 Everyone's high you're bringing them low 每個人如此高興,你卻讓他們蒙上了一層陰雲 Now i'm annoyed 現在我些許惱怒 Now i'm annoyed 我生氣了
我的心身炙燃 Got a fever rich 用心感受 Feel of it 我無法再安靜下來 And i can't quite stand 現實主義者們啊 The realists 當他們找到 When they get their 自己所感所想 feelings 他們會偷走 And make their stealing 一個最真實的事物 A real thing 在天花板的上端 On the up end side of the ceiling 你將會看見我 You'll see me 我會盡我所能高舉起我的手臂 arms held high as i 深吸一口氣 Breathe in 游絲穿過門牙 Through the two front teeth 當我們深情擁吻 Where our lips meet 你將會離開 You're leaving 我將 Me in 與你坐在泳池邊上,雙腳感受水的溫度 Sat poolside with your feet in 讓我們說點什麼 Lets talk 你血流不止 you're bleeding 急切需要 In need of 一些治療 Some healing 我得到了你 I got you 正是因為你需要它 Coz you need it 不過請相信我 But trust me 這將會是 It must be 公正的判決 Done justly 如果我們可以得到 If we can get 即使一點點 More than the nothing 我們深愛著它們 We love then 我們會說點什麼 We'll talk 只當我們閒談一下也好 Only then will we talk 就讓燈芯絨不斷褪色
那就讓它呼吸讓它消失 (Let the corduroy fade in 別讓燈芯絨等太久 Let it breathe let it die 就讓它隨風而去 Don't keep the corduroy waiting 就讓燈芯絨不斷褪色 Let it be let it fly) 讓它自由的活著直至消失
別讓你的燈芯絨等太久呀 (Let the corduroy fade in 就讓它隨風而去吧 Let it breathe let it die 別讓燈芯絨等太久 Don't keep the corduroy waiting 就讓它隨風而去 Let it be let it fly) 就讓燈芯絨不斷褪色
讓它自由的活著直至消失 Don't keep the corduroy waiting 別讓你的燈芯絨等著 Let it be let it fly 就讓它漸漸消失
Let the corduroy fade in Let it breathe let it die Don't keep the corduroy waiting Let it be let it fly