- Oh My Darling Don't Cry 歌詞 Run The Jewels
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- Run The Jewels Oh My Darling Don't Cry 歌詞
- Run The Jewels
- Oh my
我了個去 Oh my 我了個乖乖
“去他大爺的法律,他們只配服侍我二弟”,引用Pimp的話說一句【引用Pimp C在Wheres Da Gs的歌詞】 Fuck the law, they can eat my dick, thats word to Pimp Hold up (您正在收聽的是專輯《Run the Jewels 2》) (You are now listening to Run the Jewels 2) “去他大爺的法律,他們只配服侍我二弟”,引用Pimp的話說一句 Fuck the law, they can eat my dick, thats word to Pimp 我的言行不像這些害人精,也和他們扯不上關係 I dont fuck with or talk like all these fuckin imps 勞資橫行無忌,你小子敢不承認我得收拾你 Style violent, give a fuck if you deny it, kids 你可以來惹我這“雞”場,後果就是等著被輪著幹 You can all run naked backwards through a field of dicks “去他大爺這世界,別來對我提要求”,引用B.I.G的話說一句【引用Notorious B.I.G.在The What的歌詞】 Fuck the world, dont ask me for shit , thats word to B.I.G 我夢過咱下等人有過半邊天,醒來才發現是不存在的夢境【夢到世界沒貧富差距】 I dreamt we owned the world, but Ive woken up and it dont exist 獨攬大局,用不著假惺惺,別想對我動手,我不欠你什麼人情 Soak it in, I need no assist, you cant slap my wrist, I dont owe you shit 相信我,勞資強得像毀滅博士,就算大難臨頭內心都夠淡定 Trust me, Im a Doctor DOOM, oper-rate of my pulse, wont raise a bit 唱出來的flow穩如芭蕾舞姑娘的腳尖,戴著滑雪面具在龐蒂亞克車裡 Tip-toe on the track like a ballerina, ski mask, in a Pontiac Catalina 很明顯你已經死到臨頭,要么乖乖交出珠寶要么等著手指被切掉【反寫英語俗語It aint over until the fat lady sings:比賽不到最後不能確定勝負】 Its obese, female opera singer, you can run the jewels or lose your fingers 我和El-P有的是時間宰掉你,有了開槍的對象準備加滿火力 Me and El-P got time to kill, got folks to kill, on overkill 他舉槍探出窗口望風,我來駕車,追來一黑人,一白人,我們開槍直射 He hangin out the window, I hold the wheel, one black, one white, we shoot to kill 那小伙肯定小命不保,那小伙還想拼死反抗 That fuckboy life about to be repealed, that fuckboy shit about to be repelled 小雜種來抵抗,喊句安拉胡阿克巴,勞資和El直接炸飛你【Jihad阿拉伯語=strive】 Fuckboy Jihad, kill infidels, Allah Akbar, BOOM, from Mike and El 生活就是煎熬,死也沒意義,這些有權勢的人倒是越來越富【FUBAR= Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition】 Life is hell, deaths a bitch, and these fubar rulers getting rich 我拿了整袋葉子,把它打開,點上一根,回到家幹票大的 I cop a zip, it opens up, I smoke it up, go home and fuck 這就是羅馬式的奢靡生活,給你幾分面子能否回報點服務【Cest la vie法語=such is life】 Cest la vie girl, when in Rome, I gave the face, please pay with dome 我的名片上寫了,見到我是你的榮幸,說唱和交歡是我的兩大興趣 My business card says, 'Youre in luck, I do two things, I rap and fuck' 我又搞又唱,腰上把槍,我抽大葉,征服小妹 I fuck and rap, I tote the strap, I smoke the kush, I beat the puss 我飽覽群書,精通高數,無師自通,自學成才 I read the books, did the math, dont need a preacher preachin on my behalf 沒哪個老師教得起我這種高材生 No teacher can teach my arrogant ass 埃及人寫的高深碑文我都能一目十行同時吞雲吐霧 Im blowin on crippy while readin inscriptions thats written by Egyptians 還要一邊喝著威士忌,你要不跟我一起? And sippin on whiskey, aye baby, you with me? 我去
別被嚇哭 Oh my 我了個乖乖 Dont cry 別被嚇哭 Oh my 我了個去 Dont cry 別被嚇哭 Oh my 我去 Dont cry 別被嚇哭 Oh my (鞭抽聲) Dont cry 咱們運作這場子像是天朝血汗工廠
沒得停下,不斷勞累工作,一直到心跳歇菜 (Whip Crack!) 我全身心投入,沒有癡人說夢,沒什麼不好理解 We run this spot like a Chinese sweatshop 你看到說唱的未來怕得不行,我早就洞悉說唱的真理 Dont stop, work it, work it til chest pop - Cardiac arrested 我這一般般的傢伙比起以前的自己就好了那麼一點點 Im so invested, Im self-invented, thats no illusion, theres no confusion 搞過一些些說唱,活了一段段時間,事實上 You see the future, you fear the future, Ive seen the truth and Im so deluded 我也在街頭待過,有一些賺錢訣竅我不是不知道 Ive! Been a better bad guy than I been, better than bad 無論腦子好不好使都告訴大家,亞特蘭大和紐約人也搞說唱【本組合Killer Mike亞特蘭大人,El-P紐約人】 Been a bit a bully talk, beating on my chest, in fact 對我招呼不到位,我二話不說馬上在你教室裡出現,準備幹嘛? Im a half stack from a rack, I been around the block, babe, I know a few facts 在校園製造大混亂,手裡拿著槍,還有一顆被摧殘的小心臟【歌曲比喻槍,歌詞比喻子彈】 Maniac, brainiac, run, go tell them that, ATLien, NY felon rap 每個人都逼迫孩子,我就來給他們大解放 Handle me wrong Im snappin, show up at your class, whats happenin? 弄出動亂,他們的媽媽還沒反應過來是怎麼回事 Schoolyard bully with a fully automatic, heart full of pain and a head full of havoc 喊著誰給我的孩子買棺材?滾粗吧,我可沒這麼熱心腸 Everybody stepped on the kid and Im letting them have it 我像空間戰機速度無可媲比,直闖6號高速公路橫穿全國無阻礙 Havoc, leaving they momma to say, 'What happened!?' 老司機我從不失手,打滑也是漂移,你有現鈔?等我飛過來 Who gon buy my baby a casket? Fuck that bitch, Im a bastard 到了你面前,乖乖交錢上來,不管有多少,別浪費我的時間 Megablast, Im mega lit, on Highway 6 and Im not strapped in 我可不是普通的地球人,出生的時候都要像小灰人破膛而出 I dont crash, bitch, I just skid, you got the cash? Ill make the trip 掌控著說唱遊戲裡的金銀財寶,作的歌像成斤可卡因讓人上癮 I make the trip, you better pay, done worse for less, dont make my day 又搞起了說唱,家長們都氣急敗壞,少年們都為我們瘋狂 Im not from Earth, from far away, I bust through chests like baby greys 他們掏出手槍和拳頭搶起金鍊,和街頭幫派的樣子沒有差 Runnin the jewels of the game, whippin the mix is like chickens of caine 給癮君子運的貨不是滿滿的一整斤就是最純的可粉 Spittin the sentence again, parents is livid again, kids is just fuckin insane 我去 Pointin that pistol and fist for the chain, reppin the symbol like they in a gang 別被嚇哭 Delivery dope like a dosage of dope or a noseful of coke for a junkie or fiend 我去
別被嚇哭 Oh my Dont cry Oh my Dont cry