- Black Eyed Peas NEWS TODAY 歌詞
- Black Eyed Peas
- Did you watch the news today?
你有關註今天的新聞嗎? Did you hear what they said? 你聽他們說了嗎? One thousand more people passed away 又有一千多人因罹患新冠而去世 Aw nah, somebody tell me whats going on 不會吧,有人能告訴我世界怎麼了嗎? New York, New York, big city of dreams 紐約啊紐約,夢幻大都市 Theres a nightmare goin down from the Bronx to Queens 但噩夢卻從布魯克斯一直延伸到皇后區 And everywhere in between 鋪天蓋地比比皆是 We fighting somethin we cant even see 我們甚至在對抗根本無法看到的東西 Theres an invisible enemy 這個看不到的敵人 Just knocked out Italy 剛剛擊垮了意大利 Keep the mask on cause if you cough they gon look at you like you did a felony 請帶上口罩吧,因為如果你現在咳嗽,就會像犯了重罪一般 Anf they say we cant hug nobody 也請不要擁抱 Not until we find a remedy 直到我們找到了解決方法 So we pray for Spain, France, and the U.K 所以我們為西班牙,法國和英國 China and U.S.A, I pray we gon be okay 中國還有美國祈禱,我祈願一切都會步入正軌 Pray for the grandmas and grandpas 為爺爺奶奶們祈禱 So that they can live to see another day 這樣他們就能目睹疫情過後嶄新的美好世界 Did you watch the news today? 你有看今天的新聞嗎? Did you hear what they said? 有聽到他們今天說了什麼嗎? They said dont worry folks, its all a hoax 他們說伙計不用擔心,這就是個惡作劇而已 The news is fake and its all a joke 假新聞,逗你玩兒的 The death tolls rising with broken hopes 死亡人數一天天上漲,人們也不再抱有希望 Now they got the cure and an antidote 他們現在有了治愈方法和解藥 Inject yourself with a bleach of soap 就是給你自己注射一劑漂白劑 And a checks in the mail cause they know were broke 再檢查一下郵箱因為他們知道經濟衰落我們瀕臨破產 Did you watch the news today? 你看今天的新聞了嗎? Did you hear what they said? 他們又說了什麼? They said no ones alive to see the pope 他們說沒人能活著見到教皇 Its a ghost town coast to coast 從東海岸到西海岸全國已經變成了鬼城 Were just people thats just tryna cope 我們只是想要解決問題的普通人 From different sides with different strokes 來自受災不同程度的不同地區 Livin different lives from different tribes 過著不同的生活,融入著不同的種族聚落 But everybodys in the same boat 但現在我們同為熱鍋上的螞蟻 Did you hear the news today? 你關注今天的新聞了嗎 They say the world is one 他們說四海為一家 Cause were all fighting a war 因為我們在共同抗疫 But nobody pick up a gun 無人舉槍 We got nurses and doctors 因為我們有護士和醫生 They fightin in the front line, savin lifes 他們鬥爭在前線,救死扶傷 Im waitin in line, Im frightened 我等待在後方,恐懼不已 In the store, ah, thats the hero 在復工的商店,就有英雄 Behind the counter 他們在櫃檯後邊 They makin the world go round 讓世界重新運轉 Riskin new encounters 或冒著與新冠邂逅的風險 They in the front line 也沖在前線 Dying for the minimum wage 為微薄的薪水沖鋒陷陣視死如歸 Did you watch the news today? 你看今天的新聞了嗎? Did you hear what they said? 聽他們又說什麼了嗎? They said stay in the house, dont step out 他們說呆在家,不要出門 If you step out, put the mask on the mouth 如果你出門,也要帶個口罩 Six feet back, virus attack 六尺距,新冠去 Soup on the hands so your lungs dont collapse 消毒液在手,健康不用愁 Dont know the truth 不信謠,不傳謠 Dont know the facts 不曉真相,不知事實 Roll road killin all the brown and the black 在路邊棕色黑色人種總被謀殺 COVID-19 got us on our knees 新冠跪壓在我們的脖子上不讓我們喘息 Got the temperature risin 106 degrees 患者會發燒到41攝氏度 It dont care if you speak Cantonese 它不管你是說粵語 François or Portuguese, Español or Japanese 法語,葡語,西語還是日語 Gotta start sayin, 'I cant breathe' 你都只能說”我快要窒息了,我不能呼吸,媽媽“ Ah, isnt it ironic? 對吧,這很諷刺 When we cant breathe, the planet breathes 當我們無法呼吸,地球卻重獲新生 And we can see blue skies, blue seas, green leaves, birds and bees 碧海藍天,紅花綠葉,鳥啼蜂鳴,生機勃勃 I dont know what to believe 我不知道該相信什麼 All the lies or conspiracies 這所有都是謊言和陰謀 Did you hear the news today? 你今天關注新聞了嗎? Did you hear what they said? 你聽說了嗎? One thousand more people passed away 又有一千位同胞離我們而去 Aw nah, somebody tell me whats going on 不會吧,有人告訴我究竟怎麼了嗎? And on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on 怎麼了啊怎麼了··· On, and on, and on, and on, and on , and on 究竟是怎麼回事 Somebody tell me whats going on 有人能告訴我嗎?