- Elohim Skinny Legs 歌詞
- Elohim
- I gotta stop myself from thinking like this
我必須停止這樣的胡思亂想 I wanna kill the demons telling me secrets 我想要殺死那些不停向我告密的惡魔們 I know theyre not for real, but I believe them 我明知它們都不是真實存在但我對它們深信不疑 The more I feed my fears the more I see them 當我為恐懼添油加醋我就看到了更多的惡魔 I didnt know that I was so convincing 我不知道我如此令人信服 Till I was buying into what my brain was selling 直到我買進我的大腦所售 I have to put a halt on what is circling 我不得不暫停那不停盤旋環繞著的 Before its way too late and I am melting 在一切都為時已晚之前我正在融化
我正從皮膚中緩緩爬出感到黏膩卡頓 Im crawling out my skin and I feel sticky 有千千萬萬個理由讓我安好 Theres a ton of reasons why I should be fine 我骨子裡很堅強只是需要一些協調 Im solid in my bones, just need some tuning 我已經將其收集起來以救我性命 Ive gotta get it together to save my life 我已經漂流的距離遠遠超出你的想像 Ive drifted farther than you can imagine 但若是時機合適我會回來的 But Ill come back if and when the moments right 這是我路途中為數不多所記得的 Theres little I remember from my journey 比方說我已經昏過去太多次了 Ive metaphorically blacked out too many times 我大汗淋漓地驚醒
雙手合在胸前被死死釘住 I woke up in a pool of sweat 如今我清楚了不能隨便折磨我的腦袋 Nailed down with my hand on my chest 對生命溫柔以待以愛和尊重 Now I know not to mess with my head 天生我材必有用 Treat my life with love and respect 我們的存在自有其意義 All we are is all we are All we are is all we are