- Sara Bareilles King Of Anything 歌詞
- Sara Bareilles
你邊喝著咖啡 Keep drinking coffee, 邊隔著桌子盯著我看 Stare me down across the table 而我卻在向外張望 While I look outside 如果給我個機會我想吐槽個夠 So many things Id say if only I were able 而我此刻卻保持緘默,只是細數著車來車往 But I just keep quiet and count the cars that pass by 伙計,我知道你有自己的看法
可我們都一樣啊,但我也不會一味較真 Youve got opinions, man 那麼謝謝你為我犧牲寶貴時間 Were all entitled to em, but I never asked 也請你別再浪費我的一分一秒 So let me thank you for your time, 以最快的速度移出我的視線 And try not to waste anymore of mine 我可真心不想告訴你這些,伙計 And get out of here fast 可我又不會被你的唾沫淹死
也從不需要任何人來拯救我 I hate to break it to you babe, 就算你提出異議,又有誰會在意? but Im not drowning 你又不是我 Theres no one here to save 誰允許你自認為可以主宰一切?
那你又敢不敢告訴我是何方神聖 Who cares if you disagree? 是何方神聖拼了命來讓你成為萬物主宰哇? You are not me 你總是裝作無辜天真,好意滿懷 Who made you king of anything? 鬼知道你到底在打著什麼算盤 So you dare tell me who to be? 而你卻指望我與你為伍 Who died and made you king of anything? 和你一起做那黃粱美夢
拜託,我可不是那種迷失方向隨你擺佈的人 You sound so innocent, all full of good intent 但你也從未了解這一事實 Swear you know best 你總是不惜一切對我指手劃腳、為我“指點迷津” But you expect me to jump up on board with you 其實你一直只是假裝在意,卻從未真正聆聽 And ride off into your delusional sunset 就算你敵意突起,又有誰會在意?
你又不是我 I’m not the one whos lost with no direction 誰允許你自認為可以主宰一切? But youll never see 那你又敢不敢告訴我是何方神聖 You're so busy making maps with my name on them in all caps 是何方神聖拼了命來讓你成為萬物主宰哇? You got the talking down, just not the listening 人生中我盡力去取悅每個人
而當我受人傷害狼狽躲藏 And who cares if you disagree? 我等著一個人來告訴我,現在輪到我來做決定了! You are not me 就算你提出異議,又有誰會在意? Who made you king of anything? 你又不是我 So you dare tell me who to be? 誰允許你自認為可以主宰一切? Who died and made you king of anything? 那你又敢不敢告訴我是何方神聖
是何方神聖拼了命來讓你成為萬物主宰哇? All my life Ive tried to make everybody happy 就算你敵意突起,又有誰會在意? While I just hurt and hide 你又不是我 Waiting for someone to tell me its my turn to decide 誰允許你自認為可以主宰一切?
那你又敢不敢告訴我是何方神聖 Who cares if you disagree? 是何方神聖拼了命來讓你成為萬物主宰哇? You are not me 皇冠太重還是我幫你拿著吧哈,寶貝兒 Who made you king of anything? So you dare tell me who to be? Who died and made you king of anything?
Who cares if you disagree? You are not me Who made you king of anything? So you dare tell me who to be? Who died and made you king of anything?
Let me hold your crown, babe