- Gracie and Rachel Tiptoe 歌詞
- Gracie and Rachel
- Blonde hair, blue eyes
金色的頭髮藍色的眼眸 Violin and black and white 小提琴與黑和白 Short skirts, tight pants, clean shoes 一成不變的裝扮短裙緊身褲乾淨的鞋子 Won't deliver the news 不會傳達任何新的信息
她將要以什麼樣的身份出現? What's she gonna play, what's she gonna play 她將要扮演什麼角色 她將會做什麼? What's she gonna play, what's she gonna play, what's she gonna play 她啞口無言無話可說 Got nothing to say, got nothing to say 她就快要被抹去了她依然沉默不語就快要失去痕跡 Gonna wash away, got nothing to say, gonna wash away 渾身赤裸著從你們的街道跑過
分享著衣物肆無忌憚地踩在雜草上 Running naked through your streets 召集起人群人們塞滿房間一起狂歡 Sharing clothes and whacking weeds 讓他們的目光無暇顧及其他讓他們不再愚笨給他們指明方向 Bring in a crowd, fill up the house and play 她將要行動了她將要發聲了 Hold on to their eyes, make them all wise, show them the way 她不會離開在她表達的時候仔細傾聽此刻就迷失在思考裡吧
她將要以她自己的姿態出現她不再沉默不語 She is gonna play, have a word to say 她不再銷聲匿跡去聽她的吶喊今天就陷入沉思吧 She won't go away, listen when she plays, lost in thought today 踮起腳尖佇立 She is gonna play, have a word to say 放手其他無足輕重的 She won't go away, listen when she plays, lost in thought today 踮起腳尖起舞
讓其他的都消逝 Tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe 金色的頭髮藍色的眼眸 Let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go 空洞的凝視藍色的哭泣 Tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe Let go, let go, let go, let go, let go, let go
Blonde hair, blue eyes Blind stares, blue cries