- Graham Coxon see A better day 歌詞
- Graham Coxon
- Baby baby babe what can I do?
寶貝寶貝寶貝我能為你做什麼 I'm so in love with you 我是如此深愛著你 I know you won't believe me but it's true 我知道你會懷疑但我卻確實一片痴心 I'm so in love with you 我真的很愛你 I'm so in love with you 我非常非常愛你
好比陽光溫柔地照在你的眼眸 Just the way the sunlight hits your eyes 讓我感覺到生而為人的美好 Makes me feel alive 我的靈與肉都再度煥然新生 My body and my soul have been revived 我感覺我可以飛翔了 I feel like I can fly 我感覺我可以飛翔了 I feel like I can fly 相隔千里我都能感應到你的氣息
這讓我預見到更美好的某天 I can feel you breathe from miles away 內心深處有聲音在勸我留下 It helps me see a better day 每天我對你的愛都越陷越深 A voice inside is telling me to stay 每天我對你的愛都越陷越深 I'm falling deeper every day 在你的笑靨中我看到了 I'm falling deeper every day 我一直嚮往的世外桃源
我靜靜的看著你依舊難以置信 Something in your smile that made me see 你可以和我在一起 A place I long to be 你可以陪我走下去 I look at you and I can't quite believe 相隔千里我都能感應到你的一呼一吸 That you could be with me 這讓我遇見了更美好的某天 That you could be with me 內心深處的聲音一直在勸我駐足
我在對你的愛意中日益淪陷 I can feel you breathe from miles away 我在對你的愛意中日益淪陷 It helps me see a better day 我不得不撥通你的號碼 A voice inside is telling me to stay 沒有你在旁我無法心安 I'm falling deeper every day 難以忍受這一份孤獨 I'm falling deeper every day 特別是在每一個漆黑的夜晚
而你正是那個獨一無二的 Gotta call you on the 'phone 為我解憂消愁的女孩 'Cos I ain't feeling right 只需你嫣然一笑 I can't stand to be alone 還有你的柔聲細語 On these dark dark nights 就已足夠 And you're the only girl 寶貝寶貝寶貝我該怎麼辦 Who can shake my blues away 我是那麼的深愛著你 With your miracle smile 我知道你會懷疑但我確實一片真心 And the things that you say 我是如此的愛你 Yeah 我是如此的愛你
Baby baby babe what can I do? I'm so in love with you I know you won't believe me but it's true I'm so in love with you I'm so in love with you