- Gavin Haley west coast 歌詞
- Gavin Haley
- Feel like I'm 45 but I turned 20 tonight
我認朝陽為遲暮 And I got a lot on my mind under the city lights 思緒在城市的燈光下洶湧 They say take a hit of this, it'll give you life 他們說撥開雲霧見青天 I see my best friends, white powder on the counter every weekend 每週我看著我的摯友吸食那空虛 They're only sober for an hour 沉迷於虛幻,唯一的清醒也轉瞬即逝 And I'm just waiting for this **** to end 這狗屁日子什麼時候才能到頭 Seek me, the Midwest to the west coast, west coast 伊甸園請以你的名字呼喚我 Tryin' to hold on to my old soul, I don't know, no 試圖抓住我曾經拋棄的靈魂,卻找不到在哪丟棄的它 No one really gives a damn 誰又在乎燈紅酒綠外的世外桃源呢 Maybe this life ain't right for me 或許我就該獨立於世 Seek me, the Midwest to the west coast, west coast 烏托邦請以你的甘霖澆灌我 Tryin' to hold on to my old soul , I don't know, no 試圖抓住我曾經遺失的信仰,卻找不到它存於在何方 No one really gives a damn 誰又注意肆意狂笑外的低聲抽泣呢 Maybe this life ain't right for me 也許我就該格格不入 Girls stuck at 25, throwing up to keep a dress size 年輕的女孩們為了讓裙子合身而吐出了食物 Big lips, fake tits, they get it right they say 豐唇,膠乳,她們並不覺得不妥 Take a hit of this, it'll give you life 他們說放下屠刀便成佛 And all they see is dollar signs, 他們的眼被金錢蒙蔽 that three-piece suit waiting for you to sign, on the dotted line 那套三件套的西裝在等你在發票上簽字 They want to see you do well just never better than them 他們見不得你比他們更優秀 Seek me, the Midwest to the west coast, west coast 伊甸園請以你的方向指引我 Tryin' to hold on to my old soul, I don't know, no 試圖堅持我最初的純真,它卻被世道玷污踐踏蹂躪 No one really gives a damn 誰又在乎漫天煙火下的那片黑暗呢 Maybe this life ain't right for me 也許我就該孤獨終老 Midwest to the west coast, west coast 伊甸園 Tryin' to hold on to my old soul, I don't know, no 試圖保持我的那份天真,它卻也變得與世同流合污 No one really gives a damn 沒人在乎淫言穢語外的那聲碎碎念 Maybe this life ain't right for me, no no 志不同道不合不相為謀 I've lost so much searching for myself 在尋找自我的路上我丟掉了太多東西 Too many books, is god real? 世人不知上帝是否真實存在於世 Just tell me you know 你的心中早已了然 I'm out of touch with how to feel 我已變得麻木 What's right or wrong 什麼是對與錯 I can' t say that I really know 我不知 Cause I don't really know 又如何言