- 精氣神製作 P.F.T.G 歌詞
- 精氣神製作
- 編曲:Giggs - The Essence (Instrumental)
That's the power from the god That's the power from the god He will bless me and the block That's the power from the god That's the power from the god He will bless me and the block That's the power from the god That's the power from the god He will bless me and the block That's The Blood The Wine The Hood The Life To Live Or Die 哩只歌我不再想說粵語 必需要讓你們聽清所有絕句 不管你祖先來自東方還是西域 當你死後選擇天堂還是地獄 你我不是但丁但聽過神曲 煩人像王八電音真的無語 Old School的假期需要舞曲 New Raver搖擺像是一尊** 他們都說當你關了一扇窗(一扇窗) 那一夜我正好面對明月光(明月光) 所有消極在你面前坦蕩盪 過往多少放浪形骸就當是最後一槍 之後我也嘗試摘下鏗鏘的玫瑰 那種芬芳你告訴我值得用一生回味 從此拒絕了頹廢就算債務身上背 I Believe In That One Day will feel ya That's the power from the god That's the power from the god He will bless me and the block That's the power from the god That's the power from the god He will bless me and the block That's the power from the god That's the power from the god He will bless me and the block That's The Blood The Wine The Hood The Life To Live Or Die 這是過了多少年不再少年 我依舊記得那個再普通不過的星期天 那是南半球熾熱國度上的一間 殿堂清晰看見你屹立在我們中間 我也沒有想過你賜予我力量 前二十年教科書未提及過信仰 那一刻開始意識到Angel召喚 伊甸園換了型態Angle在變換 崇拜貴族騎士精神自立勇武 想想亞當耕耘夏娃正在織布 那時候誰能說清各自的義務 從此天賦人權我要為自由作主 新歡舊愛更新迭代 唯一不變的是祂存在 並帶領我們走到 一個充滿愛和光的時代 不是猶大不孝有三 西出陽關無故人懷 I Believe In That One Day will feel ya That's the power from the god That's the power from the god He will bless me and the block That's the power from the god That's the power from the god He will bless me and the block That's the power from the god That's the power from the god He will bless me and the block That's The Blood The Wine The Hood The Life To Live Or Die 混音:吳梵 發行:北京太聲文化傳播有限公司