- The Mob Song 歌詞 Luke Evans Josh Gad Emma Thompson Ewan McGregor Ensemble Ian McKellen Gugu Mbatha-Raw Stanley Tucci Nathan Mack
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- Nathan Mack The Mob Song 歌詞
- Luke Evans Josh Gad Emma Thompson Ewan McGregor Ensemble Ian McKellen Gugu Mbatha-Raw Stanley Tucci Nathan Mack
- Written by:Howard Ashman/Alan Menken
Were not safe until hes dead 一定要取他的命 Hell come stalking us at night 它在夜裡沒人性 Set to sacrifice our children 吃掉我們的孩子 To his monstrous appetite 來滿足他的私慾 Hell wreak havoc on our village if we let him wander free 如果我們讓他活命就會擾亂我們的生活 So its time to take some action boys 是我們採取行動之時 Its time to follow me 是與我並肩作戰之時 Through the mist through the wood 過沼澤穿森林 Through the darkness and the shadows 迎接黑暗走過陰影 Its a nightmare but its one exciting ride 一個噩夢卻令我興奮 Say a prayer then were there 祈求神指引我 At the drawbridge of a castle 過了吊橋就是城堡 And theres something truly terrible inside 有個怪物讓我十分地驚恐 是野獸 Its a Beast 他恐怖張牙舞爪 Hes got fangs razor-sharp ones 他殘暴兇猛沒人性 Massive paws killer claws for the feast 他嘶吼他瘋癲 Hear him roar see him foam 但我們一定要殺掉他 But were not coming home til hes dead 讓他死 Good and dead 殺野獸 Kill the Beast 燃火把
快上馬 Light your torch 勇往直前不要後退 Mount your horse 加斯頓值得我們來跟隨 Screw your courage to the sticking place 是戰爭 Were counting on Gaston to lead the way 是威脅 Call it war 他們將會緊緊跟隨 Call it threat 在這時他們只會聽我指揮 You can bet they all will follow 毋庸置疑確有隻野獸在田野間 For in times like this theyll do just as I say 我擔心他會突出重圍 Theres a beast running wild theres no question 眾姐妹 But I fear the wrong monsters released 眾兄弟 Sally forth 握緊劍 Tally ho 拿起弓 Grab your sword 讚美主保佑成功 Grab your bow 不喜歡 Praise the Lord and here we go 不了解
儘管害怕 We dont like 那野獸在黑暗之中 What we dont understand 上好膛 In fact it scares us 抽出刀 And this monster is mysterious at least 拯救你的老婆孩子
恢復我們小成的可愛 Bring your guns 殺死野獸 Bring your knives 心閃亮 Save your children and your wives 旗飄揚 Well save our village and our lives 堅持到底和他作戰
我們不怕任何危險困難 Well kill the Beast 高舉旗
大聲唱 Hearts ablaze 我們有很多人 Banners high 人民的力量是無窮的 We go marching into battle 讓我們殺野獸 Unafraid although the dangers just increased 殺野獸
殺野獸 Raise the flag Sing the song Here we come were fifty strong And fifty Frenchmen cant be wrong Lets kill the Beast
Kill the Beast
Kill the Beast