- Honig In full makeup 歌詞
- Honig
- Youre looking pretty weird in full makeup
瞧你濃妝豔抹的模樣真逗 Only for this one single time 過去不曾,將來不再 You tell me Im your curse and you are mine 你說我是你的禍患,可你也是我的呀 And I can see you 你就在我眼前 I still feel you 氣息如此之近 And if you jump then I will too 你若跳下,我也會欣然跟隨
即使這泛黃的小照片 And even in this old tiny picture 也是獨屬於你的珍寶 These are your values not mine 隔著時空,我也只能竊自嘲弄你那小小的把戲 But I could just laugh about this petty crime 你就在我眼前 And I can see you 氣息如此之近 I still feel you 你若跳下,我也會欣然跟隨 And if you jump then I will too 張揚的你
走在驕傲遊行的隊伍裡 Demonstrate 睡吧,睡吧 On a pride parade 你不妨肆意喧騰,但是 Lay down to sleep 睡吧 Turn on your engines please and now 悄無聲息地,從我心中 Lay down 離開 Make no sound at all 讓一切消失 Run away Its time to hit the ground