- Kongos Come with Me Now 歌詞
- Kongos
- Come with me now
來吧和我一起 Come with me now 跟上腳步趕緊 Come with me now 機不可失走起 I'm gonna take you down 讓我來征服妳 Come with me now 就讓我們同行 I'm gonna show you how 讓我來教教你 Come with me now 還不馬上覺醒 I'm gonna take you down 讓我來崩潰妳 Come with me now 我們一起搖擺 I'm gonna show you how 看我怎麼玩妳 Afraid to lose control 別怕身體失控 And caught up in this world 別擔心腦洞征服黑洞 I've wasted time, I've wasted breath 時間浪費夠多,剛才又白費一秒沒笑 I think I've thought myself to death 難道我在花式作死 I was born without this fear 沒空擔心失控 Now only this seems clear 慶幸自己不清醒 I need to move, I need to fight 做點什麼,挑起事端 I need to lose myself tonight 今晚我得忘我到只想著妳 Come with me now 過來今晚一起 I'm gonna take you down 我會正面推倒 Come with me now 和我一起最好 I'm gonna show you how 我來演示要怎麼著 I think with my heart and I move with my head 心跳就是思考韻律就是節操 I open my mouth and it's something I've read 想法看不見可意願若隱若現 I stood at this door before, I'm told 之前我也做到過這點,我曾經出現 But a part of me knows that I'm growing too old 另一個自己告訴我早已沒有活力 Confused what I thought with something I felt 解釋就是掩飾結果演示 Confuse what I feel with something that's real 掩飾就是演示就是事實 I tried to sell my soul last night 我想給把靈魂賣給撒旦 Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite 結果撒旦開始扯淡 Far away 離這兒不遠 I heard him say (come with me now) 他朝我喊(快跟上節奏搖擺) Don't delay 別原地戳著 I heard him say (come with me now) 他沖我吼(和跳躍鼓點跳起) Far away 就在很前面 I heard him say (Come with me now) 他開始叫(跟上我一起甩甩) Don't delay 別沒事害羞 I heard him say ( Come withme now) 他一直吵(提溜好你自己) Whoa, come with me now 哇哦,還不跟上 I'm gonna take you down 我才不讓你失望 Whoa, come with me now 哇靠,就是這樣 I'm gonna show you how 我會迷人到絕望 Afraid to lose control 好怕情緒失控 And caught up in this world 和世界一種心動 I've wasted time, I've wasted breath 時間浪費夠多,活著天天浪費空氣 I think I've thought myself to death 我感覺自己在作死 I was born without this fear 本人將控制全場 Now only this seems clear 現在想想只有出生前這樣 I need to move, I need to fight 我要旅行,我要抓緊 I need to lose myself tonight 今晚非要玩壞自己 Whoa, come with me now 哇哈,還不快來 Whoa, come with me now 挖塞,就是這樣 I'm gonna take you down 不給你機會失望 Whoa, come with me now 喂喂餵,我們一起遺棄和絕望