- 腹話 Savior 歌詞
- 腹話
- Savior
救贖 Savior 救世主 I want you even of 縱然我不得不冰封其他所有人 I had to freeze the others 也對你依然渴求 I'm invisible 我蟄伏於暗處 Hey, can you find the secret? 嘿,你能看穿我的秘密嗎? I would do anything 為了逃離這份罪惡 To get rid of this guilt 我將無所不用其極 Now kill me if you want 現在你可以殺了我 But no one could do that 雖然這沒人能做到 Indescribable sound 難以言表的聲響 Cut through my empty heart 從我徒有四壁的心中穿行而過 You are my borderline 你是我還能作為 Of my life as a human 人類而活的那條邊界 I would do anything 為了洗去這身罪業 To get rid of this guilt 我絕不會心慈手軟 Now kill me if you want 現在來殺了我吧 But no one could do that 不過誰又能真正做到? Will you stop me from 你會從變成怪物的 Becoming a monster? 命運手中拯救我嗎? My passion for you 我對你的似火激情 Will be medicine for me 是我為數不多的快樂 Will you stop me from 你會從踏上歧途的 Becoming a monster? 宿命之中挽留我嗎? My passion for you 我對你的痴心戀慕 Will be medicine for me 才使我能稍作喘息 Savior 解藥 Savior 救贖 Savior 救世主 You're my only savior 你是我唯一的救贖 How many precious lives 有多少寶貴生命 Were lost because of me? 已因我而流逝? I can't see anymore 我已無法再看見什麼 Perhaps I just don't want 或許是因為我蒙上了自己的雙眼 I would do anything 為了逃離這份罪惡 To get rid of this guilt 我將無所不用其極 Now kill me if you want 如今我的性命高懸台上 But no one could do that 又有誰能將它一擊取回? Like crushing cold petals 就像碾碎兩片 Of a frozen flower 冰封中的花朵的冷瓣 We're losing temperature 我們正逐漸失溫 And breaking each other 並撞得彼此支離破碎 I would do anything 為了掙脫這份罪孽 To get rid of this guilt 我會無所不用其極 Now kill me if you want 此刻你我針鋒相對 But no one could do that 你又能否刺穿我的心臟? Will you stop me from 在我墜入深淵之前 Becoming a monster? 你能寬恕我嗎? My passion for you 我對你的無悔之愛 Will be medicine for me 將是我的苦口良藥 Will you stop me from 在我落得一無所有之前 Becoming a monster? 你能牽住我的手嗎? My passion for you 我對你的眷戀深情 Will be medicine for me 是我沈痾的唯一療愈 Savior 解藥 Savior 救贖 Savior 救世主 You're my only Savior 你是我僅此唯一的救贖 Will you stop me from 你會從墮落為魔的結局中 Becoming a monster? 帶我逃出生天嗎? My passion for you 我對你的雷霆盛怒 Will be medicine for me 才是我興奮的源泉 Will you stop me from 你會在走向邊界對面的 Becoming a monster? 命途上阻攔我嗎? My passion for you 我對你的執著追求 Will be medicine for me 才使我從痛苦中略微清醒 Will you stop me from 你會在向下墜落的 Becoming a monster? 懸崖邊沿抓住我嗎? My passion for you 我對你的刻骨相思 Will be medicine for me 讓我的心放鬆舒緩 Will you stop me from 你會在無法回頭的 Becoming a monster? 那刻之前拉回我嗎? My passion for you 我對你的徹骨痴迷 Will be medicine for me 才能使我稍覺慰藉 Savior 解藥 Savior 救贖 Savior 救世主 You're my only Savior 你是我唯一的救贖