- Stereophonics Maybe Tomorrow 歌詞
- Stereophonics
- Stereophonics - Maybe Tomorrow
曾經一蹶不振的我 I've been down and 一直弄不懂 I'm wondering why 為什麼頭頂的這些小烏雲 These little black clouds 趕也趕不走 Keep walking around 對我死纏爛打 With me 對我緊咬不放 With me 頹廢人生,浪費青春 It wastes time 還不如活出個痛痛快快 And I'd rather be high 我想還是趁早走出陰影為妙 Think I'll walk me outside 想辦法買到彩虹般的微笑 And buy a rainbow smile 其實,不要想太多 But be free 微笑其實是自由自在的產物 They're all free 或許明天 So maybe tomorrow 我就能找到歸家的坦途 I'll find my way home 或許明天 So maybe tomorrow 我就可以走上回家的路 I'll find my way home 我四下張望,試圖發現生活的美好 I look around at a beautiful life 人生有坑坑洼窪的時候 Been the upperside of down 也會有內外交困的時候 Been the inside of out 但我們撐得住 But we breathe 我們挺得住 We breathe 我渴望清風的吹拂疏通我的思路 I wanna breeze and an open mind 我渴望深海的潛泳滋潤我的脈絡 I wanna swim in the ocean 我要做自己青春的主人 Wanna take my time for me 做自己命運的主宰 All me 保不准明天 So maybe tomorrow 我就可以走上回家的路 I'll find my way home 保不准明天 So maybe tomorrow 我就可以結束尋鄉之旅 I'll find my way home 保不准明天 So maybe tomorrow 我就可以聞到家的味道 I'll find my way home 保不准明天 So maybe tomorrow 我就可以品嚐家的溫馨 I'll find my way home 保不准明天 So maybe tomorrow 我就可以榮歸故里 I'll find my way home 保不准明天 So maybe tomorrow 我就可以衣錦還鄉 I'll find my way home