- The Sundays Summertime 歌詞
- The Sundays
- 音頻工程師: Dave Anderson/David Gavurin/Harriet Wheeler
會有人願意結束他們與自己欣賞的人之間的聯繫嗎 Do some people wind up with the one that they adore 在一個心形的酒店房間裡心靈的存在產生了意義 In a heart-shaped hotel room its what a heart is for 氣泡漂浮在高高的天空它會一直那兒嗎 The bubble floats so madly will it stay sky-high? 你好親愛的親吻你的名姓說聲再見 Hello partner, kiss your name bye-bye 噢有時 Ooh sometimes... 富有浪漫氣息的雙魚座尋找喬裝打扮的天使 Romantic piscean seeks angel in disguise 說漢語的女友棕色的大眼睛 Chinese-speaking girlfriend big brown eyes 來自利物浦的女士世故圓滑的男士 Liverpudlian lady, sophisticated male 你好親愛的告訴我愛意永不敗 Hello partner, tell me love cant fail 此刻是你我在夏日時光裡 And its you and me in the summertime 我們會在公園裡攜手漫步 Well be hand in hand down in the park 你眨了眨眼嘆了口氣眼底掠過一絲閃動 With a squeeze and a sigh and that twinkle in your eye 於是黑暗就被陽光逐盡啦 and all the sunshine banishes the dark 是有人正結束他們與自己憎惡的人之間的關係嗎 Do some people wind up with the one that they abhor 在一處藏污納垢的僻靜房間第三次世界大戰正在發生 In a distant hell-hole room, the third world war 而我所看見的全部是默片般黯淡的絕望 But all I see is films where colourless despair 尖酸而憤怒的年輕男人頭髮潔淨無瑕 Meant angry young men with immaculate hair 噢有時 Ooh sometimes... 內心有種聲音會垂死病中驚坐起說著你沒有時間去氣餒 Get up a voice inside says theres no time for looking down 你向這城鎮宣布你每說一個詞只要一英鎊 Only a pound a word & youre talking to the town 但你究竟是如何杜撰出了那些說法即便它們撕裂了你的靈魂? But how do you coin the phrase though that will set your soul apart 你所要做的只不過是去打動一顆孤獨的心 Just to touch a lonely heart 此刻是你我在夏日時光裡 And its youand me in the summertime 我們會在公園裡攜手漫步 Well be hand in hand down in the park 你眨了眨眼嘆了口氣眼底掠過一絲閃動 With a squeeze and a sigh and that twinkle in your eye 於是黑暗就被陽光逐盡啦 and all the sunshine banishes the dark 在夏日時光裡我唯一需要的是你 And its you I need in the summertime 當我的皮膚由白變紅 As I turn my white skin red 我們就成了同一片豆莢中的兩粒豌豆 Two peas from the same pod yes we are 我是不是看了太多小說了? Or have I read too much fiction? (從設計小說的角度)這一切是該這樣發生嗎? Is this how it happens? 故事應該如何發生? How does it happen? 這一切是該這樣發生嗎? Is this how it happens? 現在 趁現在 Now, right now