- J GOD Feeling Cold 歌詞
- J GOD:
she give me a kissing i bought her dripping 在錄音棚飛行 抓不到背影 my life is movie my flow like uzi she said she knew me its not a trippin 他說我做的不對 連動機都不夠純粹 現在你酸夠了沒 當看到了我們起飛 跑得慢是你沒天賦 錄音棚就像在演出 never falling down why you gettin blue i know you be jealous about my crew 看到了你的模樣我四肢和大腦都比你強壯 哪裡都是我主場我喝了太多你們酒量太弱沒喝兩杯快要get drunk drunk drunk lil boy run run run run i feeling cold icey chain make it flow turn around hit song get a crown everyday都work hard 戴上了muller i brought her Celine and furla scottie pippen 開著賓利no uber 呆在房間spending all day 新的配方在親手勾兌 特別危險與我作對 耗光我的耐心一定讓他們落淚 yeyeyeyeye bottle henny bottle ice got new bich no wife 都怪我名聲在外 她們都想要我的微信 拍個mv當我背景 沒出名的時候她們根本不會理我等我有了something call me ye she give me a kissing i bought her dripping 在錄音棚飛行 抓不到背影 my life is movie my flow like uzi she said she knew me its not a trippin
Kaphlleny: get everything like a baby 車裡零錢買了雙louis met da first girl when I was fourteen 好牌怎麼打都不會爛在手裡 Good sht直接丟進後備箱 心情好了下午back on 不在同一水平那要我咋講 .45 in my pants 你玩水嗆 兄弟我絞盡了腦汁去思考變現所以賺的盆滿缽滿 隨意打樁是我的玩法漂亮姐姐台下誇獎我很勇敢 iPhone12 Pro跟我新車配套 我的歌詞沒有有營養最好 年輕小伙只給Real talk不需要堆料 網絡雜魚全都Back off 我的工作就是混合配方放進U盤再讓所有人的腳離地 散場之前我帶上頭套hands on hands off 隨意丟點rmb
she give me a kissing i bought her dripping 在錄音棚飛行 抓不到背影 my life is movie my flow like uzi she said she knew me