- The Real Group Friendship 歌詞
- The Real Group
- Life a journey a one way trip
生命是一場單程旅行 No return included 沒有餘地反悔 We sign on a departing ship 我們都在一艘遠行的船上 The name of her is destiny 我們稱之為命運 You need to travel within your heart 你要盡你所能去生活 To reach a goal secluded 勇往直前但不露鋒芒 Friends in life they can share their chart 生活中的朋友可以和你分享他們的人生 But you alone will set the course 但你得獨自決定自己的航向 I trust the wind to take you there 相信風會帶你到正確的地方 Sail away 在這波濤洶湧中 Sail away 拋開一切 Sail away 揚帆遠航 The stars will guide you 星星會指引你 Sail away 去吧 Sail away 勇敢的航行 Sail on friendship sail 帶著友誼一直向前 The eye can capture the universe 眼睛能捕捉到天地萬物 Can see it all but not it self 看的到一切表象卻無法解讀事物的本身 Some would say an eternal curse 有人會將永恆的詛咒 Laid on each and everyone 施加於所有人 Every pair of eyes in which 在所有目光聚集的地方 Your brave enough to dive 你的勇氣足以出發 Soon reflect a part of you 激發出內心的自我 Life is yours may you always thrive 人生是你自己的願你一帆風順 And enjoy the ride on destiny 享受命運這場旅行吧 I know the winds will take you there 我知道風兒會帶你去該去的地方 Sail away 去吧 Sail away 拋開一切 Sail away 揚帆遠航 The stars will guide you 星星會指引你 Sail away 去吧 Sail away 去吧 Sail on friendship sail 帶著友情一直向前 Sail away 乘著風 Sail away 踏著浪 Sail away 揚帆遠航 The Stars will guide you 星星會指引你 Sail away 所以拋開一切 Sail away 儘管去吧 Sail on friendship sail 帶著友誼 Sail on friendship sail 揚帆遠航