- Fools Garden Rainy Day 歌詞
- Fools Garden
- The porridges been good
我愛死了早餐粥的麥香 The marmalade too 蜜柑醬實在是夠味 I take another slice of bread 我忍不住又切了一片麵包 The bacon is hot but I dont mind 新烤的培根熱得燙嘴,不過沒關係 Too long I boiled the egg 貌似我又把蛋煮硬了 Im still a little tired, 慵懶侵占了我的心田 my bones are weak 全身的骨頭都撐不起這區區肉體 Another day off I take 今天就應該放假 I guess the sun had the same idea 我猜太陽公公也這麼想 And now we have a break 我們來懶洋洋地過完這24小時
這是嘩啦啦嘩啦啦的雨天 Its a rainy day, a rainy day 可是我就喜歡 But I love it 這是嘩啦啦的雨天 Its a rainy day 雨從雲的懷裡掉下來 The water comes down 也阻止不了我對你的愛 But I love you 可愛的奶爸Mr Miller駕到
我聽見門鈴歡快地歌唱 Milkman Mr Miller 來一升還是兩升呢? is ringing my bell 不過我今天對牛奶失去了興趣 Do you take a litre or two 沒了牛奶我的世界照樣轉 But I dont wanna drink his milk today 他離開的時候一腳踹進髒水坑 I feel fine without it too 我聽見他的巨型嗓門 He steps into a puddle by going away 把電台預報今天好天氣的氣象員都罵遍 I hear him swearing at 不過他現在已經被淋成一隻標準的落湯雞 The forecast promised high pressure today 這是嘩啦啦嘩啦啦的雨天 And now hes getting wet 大嬸忙著勾引一輛好心的計程車
在瓢潑的雨幕裡 Its a rainy day, a rainy day... 老禿頭MacArthur大叔翹首以盼
好像希望他的頭髮能再次茁壯成長 Rosalie MacLovely is waiting for a cab 年輕的時候他有一頭漂亮的捲發 In the middle of the pouring rain 可是年華似水,光陰不再 Old bold head MacArthur is waiting 不過太陽公公還是勤奮滴來了 for his hair to grow again 把老頭子氣的火冒三丈 Once upon a time he was a curly head 這是嘩啦啦嘩啦啦的雨天 But all those days are gone And now hes looking like a fireball When he gets into the sun
Its a rainy day, a rainy day...