- AP滿人 Let It Go(Feat. J. Sheon) 歌詞
- AP滿人
- 我聽不到溫柔的副歌
我聽不到溫柔的護呵 我聽不到溫柔的呼車 我聽不到溫柔的祝賀/附和 我聽不到溫柔的副歌 我聽不到溫柔的護呵 我聽不到溫柔的呼車 我聽不到溫柔的祝賀/附和 有太多人叫我放下 把我的手綁在我的背後然後叫我躺下 當外面的真情全都在漲價 我背後的身影全都在上下 是否真的能夠讓我暫時請個傷假 是否能夠讓我在戰時離開當下 我會為你sober我會為你收的 你的美一句話我會為你瘦餓 我開車為你投射hustle為你兜客 當你傷心絕望失落或許覺得夠了 眼淚就要潰堤不想再hold著 陽台上的衣服就請你別再收了 Let it go sunshine gonna light up your eyes Your day is getting close no matter how hard is road Let it go let your heart fly to the sky Let it go keep it up girl please don't sigh Why ? Tell me why ? Things driving me crazy 我想不通Maybe 那份愛在cry 破碎的心存在那每個悲慘的故事背後 愛已blind 那顆心被背棄 那愛已成回憶So just Let it go sunshine gonna light up your eyes Your day is getting close no matter how hard is road Let it go let your heart fly to the sky Let it go keep it up girl please don't sigh Baby bye bye這條生命的路太窄 我喚起了希望的心竟然無法來fight back Strike that慾望的心去tie that Is like that主只是暫時迴避he will be right back 讓我為你照亮這路provide the street light 有很多人為了得到你開始了street fight 在深夜裡逗留在深夜裡social 在舞池和dance floor中開始搜救 酒精和煙霧是失戀的元素 把手伸在空中請你別站在原處 你似乎聽不到我也許你並不在乎 我聽到你在(啜)泣但也許你並不在哭 也許這樣的方式才能忘記你的痛 太相信了他才會給了你的own 賠了你的夢shut down你的song My empress this is not your shelter這是你的home Let it go sunshine gonna light up your eyes Your day is getting close no matter how hard is road Let it go let your heart fly to the sky Let it go keep it up girl please don't sigh Don't cry dont sigh Just fight fight for you life I swear to god I'm might do whatever i can do for you Just fight just fight fight for your life Letit go sunshine gonna light up your eyes Your day is getting close no matter how hard is road Let it go let your heart fly to the sky Let it go keep it up girl please don't sigh Let it go sunshine gonna light up your eyes Your day is getting close no matter how hard is road Let it go let your heart fly to the sky 我無法忘懷deposit我的memory
在你的淚水下是我的armory Sweet summery identical symmetry Let it go keep it up girl please don't sigh 最美的symphony oh baby please don't let me free