- Itchigotchi take flight 歌詞
- Kyradeen Itchigotchi
- May the sky rise up to meet you
升空稍許,即可相觸 May the wind always be at your wing 高風時掠翼尖 May the sun shine warm upon you 日光相迎,暖流遍體 May the birds around you sing 飛鳥耳邊常鳴 May the flight be fair, wind rider 天色平和,風遼闊 As you 're soaring through lilac sky 丁香,微作底色 May the rain fall soft, stormfeather 細雨落,沾濕了羽 May you dance like the firefly 螢火翩翩,起舞 So take flight 乘風高飛 Take flight 不再回頭看
雨鍍上銀,一身日光淋 Through the silver rain, sun showers 越過彼岸薰衣草原 Or over the lavender cloud 甜風輕吹,將你托起 May the sweet breeze blow, to hold you 祝福響徹雲霄 And this blessing be sung aloud 乘風高飛 Take flight 讓我們再飛一會 Go Take flight 不再回頭看 Take flight 群星,因你煥發 May the stars all shine and greet you 淺月,在你羽下 May you fly over soft meadow moon 翌日黎明靠近 May the silver glow adorn you 心扉終將被它點亮 Morning dawn delight you soon