- Madeline The Cave 歌詞
- Forester Madeline
一直與我的夢境角斗抗爭 I've been talking in my sleep 每一次當我閉上疲憊雙眼 And I've been wrestling with my dreams 我的所見就只是幾棵孤松 Every time I close my eyes 所有這些乾涸枯竭的河床 All I see are lonely pines 無處安放我的躁動的頭腦 All these dried up river beds 唯一出聲的只是浩蕩的風 Ain't no place to rest my head 我不時聽聞到耳中的低語 The only talking is the humbling wind I hear a whisper now and then 我再次聽到了那輕聲呢喃 Ooh… 我們曾在山中洞穴裡露宿安眠 I hear whisper once again 在你鐫刻下你的名字的岩石下 We used to sleep out in the caves 光陰於我們匆匆流逝我不在意 Beneath the wall you carved your name 畢竟你從始至終就不了解我心 Well, time has passed us by but I don't mind 沿著你我各自揚鑣分道走下去 You never knew me anyway 我們不再言及你我的曾經過去 Walking down our separate paths 唯一出聲的只是相形見絀的風 We don't speak about the past 我再次聽到了那輕聲呢喃訴說 The only talking is the humbling wind I hear a whisper once again 我不時聽聞到耳中的竊竊私語 Ooh… I hear a whisper now and then 山谷之聲正呼嘯召喚你我 Ah… Mountain sounds are calling 那聲浪在山巒上滾動不息 Ah… Over hills rolling 可你的聲音仍舊無法寄託 Ah… Still your voice can't carry here 我再次聽到了那輕聲呢喃 Ooh… I hear whisper once again