- Alexander Young Pretty Ring Time 歌詞
- Alexander Young
Alexander Young
The Voice of Alexander Young
Alexander Young
> Iolanthe, or The Peer and the Peri: Act I, My Lords, it may not be
> The Lodger, Act I Scene 2: "Emma Has Returned to Her Room"
> Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2 (Remastered) (Highlights):Part Two: 24. Mit Würd' und Hoheit angetan (Arie)
> Jillian of Berry
> Rodelinda - Rodelinda: Atto Terzo:No. 26 Aria: "Tra sospetti, affetti e timori"
> The Lodger, Act II Scene 2: "Does Mum Know?"
> Iolanthe, or The Peer and the Peri: Act I, Good morrow, good mother
> Iolanthe, or The Peer and the Peri: Act I, Iolanthe!
> Iolanthe, or The Peer and the Peri: Act II, It may not be
> Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2 (Remastered) (Highlights):Part One: 11. Und Gott sprach: Es sei'n Lichter an der Feste des Himmels (Rezitativ)
> Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2 (Remastered) (Highlights):Part One: 12. In vollem Glanze steiget jetzt (Rezitativ)
> Ulysses: No. 4, Nocturne Intermezzo
> Iolanthe, or The Peer and the Peri: Act I, Nay, tempt me not
> Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2 (Remastered) (Highlights):Part Two: 18. In holder Anmut stehn (Terzett)
> Rodelinda:Recitativo: E ben, duca, poss'io all'ardor"
> The Crucifixion: And As Moses Lifted Up the Serpent
> The Maiden Blush
> A Summer Day
> Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2 (Remastered) (Highlights):Part Two: 19. Der Herr ist groß in seiner Macht (Terzett mit Chor)
> Mass in B Flat - "Harmoniemesse" Hob.XXII:14:Benedictus
> The Intruder
> The Bracelet
> The Seasons: III. Autumn
> Rodelinda - Rodelinda: Atto Terzo:Recitativo: "O falso è Bertarido o fu mendace"
> The Wild Flower's Song
> Mass in B Flat - "Harmoniemesse" Hob.XXII:14:3. Credo
> Hail bright Cecilia! Z. 328 Ode For St. Cecilia's Day:With rapture of delight
> Ulysses: No. 5, Epilogue
> Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2 (Remastered) (Highlights):Part One: 2. Nun schwanden vor dem heiligen Strahle - Verzweiflung, Wut und Schrecken (Arie mit Ch
> Rodelinda - Rodelinda: Atto Terzo:No. 31 Accompagnato: "Fatto inferno è il mio petto"
- Alexander Young
> C.W.Gluck: Alceste [1956] , Vol. 1
> Tate: The Lodger
> Missa in angustiis "Nelson Mass", Hob. XXII:11 in D minor (7 CDs)
> Haydn: The Seasons
> Le docteur miracle
> Hadyn: The Seasons
> Seiber: The Joyce Settings
> The Voice of Alexander Young
> Eight Songs by Li-Po
> Haydn: The Seasons