- Rodney Atkins Simple Things 歌詞
- Rodney Atkins
- We got the biggest dog you ever saw
我得到了你所見過的最大的狗 Sprawled on the porch, coolin' off 它四肢伸開躺在門廊上,涼快著 Down at our place 在我們家 His name is Ace 它名字叫艾斯 We got the hummingbirds comin' in 我們讓蜂鳥進來了 Hittin' those sugar water feeders and buzzin' off again 那些糖水餵食器又嗡嗡叫起來了 Floatin' in the wind 在風中飄蕩 Then the sunset melts into a line of pines 然後夕陽融化成一排松樹 Life is slow out here but it just suits me fine 這裡的生活節奏很緩慢,但很適合我
正是這些簡單的事情在撥弄著我的琴弦 It's the simple things that strum my strings 嬰兒啼哭,媽媽唱歌哄他入睡 Baby cries, and momma sings him back to sleep 哦,這歌聲聽起來如此甜美 Oh it sounds so sweet 乾了一天的辛苦工作 It's puttin' in a hard day's work 回到家,穿上一件乾淨的t卹 Comin' home and puttin' on a clean t-shirt 朋友和家人聚在一起 It's friends and family gathering 摟著脖子,講著笑話,端上一道菜 A neck to hug, a joke to tell and a dish to bring 這是簡單且美好的事 It's the simple things, yeah 星期天帶我的孩子去河邊
捕捉蝌蚪和印第安人的錢 It's takin' my boy to the river on Sunday 當他的人字拖濺起水花時,我開心得大笑 Huntin' tadpoles and Indian money 然後我們噴上噴霧,因為我們不想得沙蝨 And I just laugh while his flipflops splash 我們用雞肝做魚餌 Then we spray on the Off! 'cause we don't wan't chiggers 去釣黃色的鯰魚 Baitin' our hooks with chicken livers 小貓舔了舔嘴 Goin' yellow catfishin' 我喜歡他說“爸爸,給我五個” A little whisker lick grippin' 看著他搖搖擺擺地走進來,嘴裡嘟囔著,咧著嘴笑著 I love it when he says 'Daddy give me five' 在魚線的那頭 And watchin' him grunt and grin as he's reelin' in 正是這些簡單的事情在撥弄著我的琴弦 That flathead on his line 嬰兒啼哭,媽媽唱歌哄他入睡
哦,這歌聲聽起來如此甜美 It's the simple things that strummy strings 乾了一天的辛苦工作 Baby cries, and momma sings him back to sleep 回到家,穿上一件乾淨的t卹 Oh it sounds so sweet 朋友和家人聚在一起 It's puttin' in a hard day's work 摟著脖子,講著笑話,端上一道菜 Comin' home and puttin' on a clean t-shirt 這是簡單且美好的事 It's friends and family gathering 這是最簡單美好的事 A neck to hug, a joke to tell and a dish to bring 我很感激擁有這一切 Yeah it's the simple things It's the simple things
It's feelin' thankful