- Feder Stay There 歌詞
- Feder
- Begin to what
始於何處 A long time ago 萬年以前 Why do I go 為何而四處奔走 That's what I want to know 那是我所探尋的謎題 Under the rain or under the sun 雨幕傾盆烈日炙烤 I saw it's in hour around the run 我望見謎底在時光中兜兜轉轉 I begin the talk 試著同它交談 A long time ago 轉眼千年 Why don't I say 為何我拖延至今才試著表達 I don't care anyway 反正這也並非是我所在意的 And follow the mirror 追隨著內心的明鏡 Lost in the crowd 在人潮中漸漸迷失 Did I ask the dad say 是否我還惦念過父親的囑託 Why not think I love 為何不想想我深愛的一切 Can I stay there 我能待在那方樂土嗎 So away drifting and away 當往昔以隨風煙破裂 I gotta disappear before I misbehave 肉身也將在胡作非為前漸漸銷蝕 Can I stay there 我能留在那方樂土嗎 A new life waits to here 新的生活即將起航 I would never so the yearning by the shame 再也不願在羞恥中歇斯底里 I begin to run 我開始奔跑 On so long ago 許久以前 Why do I go 為何開始奔波 I gonna say I don't know 我也無從知曉 I have the surgeon and sudden 瞬息間我已脫胎換骨 You mean to keep on 你規勸我繼續前行 Just need a living 得需謀求到生活的營生 I don't give all our long 但我未曾盤算過長遠的將來 I begin and scream 所以我開始嘶吼 No so long on the go 啟程不久 From the bag my throw 我丟棄的那一身包袱中 To maybe my ego 或許藏匿著我死去的自負 How and how I like a long level 過往的軀殼怎樣支撐起心裡的王 One say hey woman now another know 有人說你的三流軼事早已被他人知曉 Can I stay there there there there there 那我能得以庇護 Can I stay there 留在這方樂土嗎 So away drifting and away 當往昔已隨風煙破碎 I gotta disappear before I misbehave 肉身也將在胡作非為前漸漸銷蝕 Can I stay there 我能留在這方樂土嗎 A new life waits to here 全新的生活等待開啟 I would never so the yearning by the shame 再也不願在羞恥中歇斯底里 So away drifting and away 點滴故去已然成灰 I gotta disappear before I misbehave 肉身也將在胡作非為前漸漸銷蝕 A new life waits to here 新的階段呈待開啟 I would never so the yearning by the shame 再也不願在羞恥中歇斯底里 Can I stay this way 我能留在那方樂土嗎 So away drifting and away 當往事已隨風煙破碎 I gotta disappear before I misbehave 肉身也將在胡作非為前漸漸銷蝕 Can I stay there 我能留在那方樂土嗎 A new life waits to here 全心的生活等待開啟 I would never so the yearning by the shame 再也不願在羞恥中歇斯底里 Can I stay there there there there there 我能得以庇護 Can I stay there there there there there 在萬般渴求的那方樂土 Can I stay there 留下來嗎 So away drifting and away 點滴故往已然成灰 I gotta disappear before I misbehave 肉身也將在胡作非為前漸漸銷蝕 Can I stay there 我能在留在那方樂土嗎 A new life waits to here 全新的日子呈需起航 I would never so the yearning by the shame 再也不願在羞恥裡歇斯底里了