- John Lennon Give Peace a Chance 歌詞
- John Lennon
- Evrybodys talking about
約翰列儂 Bagism,Shagism,Dragism,Madism,Ragism,Tagism 人人都在討論 This-ism,that-ism 手袋主義,蓬亂主義,拖拉主義,癲狂主義,戲弄主義,緊隨主義 Isn 't it the most 這個主義,那個主義 All we are saying is give peace a chance 難道它是最重要的? All we are saying is give peace a chance 我們要說的是,給和平一個機會 Evrybodys talking about 我們要說的是,給和平一個機會 Ministers,Sinisters ,Banisters and canisters, 人人都在討論 Bishops and Fishops and Rabbis and Pop eyes, 首相,小人,樓梯扶欄,瓶瓶罐罐 And bye bye,bye byes . 主教,魚群,法師和槍眼 All we are saying is give peace a chance 還有再見嘞您,煩心事 All we are saying is give peace a chance 我們要說的是,給和平一個機會 Let me tell you now 我們要說的是,給和平一個機會 Evrybodys talking about 現在讓我告訴你 Revolution, Evolution,Mastication,Flagelolation,Regulations. 人人都在討論 Integrations,Meditations,United Nations,Congratulations 革命,進化,咀嚼,鞭打,規則 All we are saying is give peace a chance 完整,冥想,聯合國和賀詞 All we are saying is give peace a chance 我們要說的是,給和平一個機會 Oh Let 's stick to it 我們要說的是,給和平一個機會 Evrybodys talking about 哦,讓我們繼續 John and Yoko,Timmy Leary,Rosemary,Tommy smothers,Bob Dylan, 人人都在討論 Tommy Cooper,Derek Tayor,Norman Mailer,Alan Ginsberg,Hare Krishna, 約翰和洋子,蒂米利阿里,露絲瑪麗,湯米斯馬斯德,鮑勃迪倫 Hare Krishna 湯米庫博,德勒克泰勒,諾曼邁勒,艾倫吉斯伯格,哈利·克里希納 All we are saying is give peace a chance 哈利·克里希納 All we are saying is give peace a chance 我們要說的是,給和平一個機會