- 天府事變CDREV This Is My Story 歌詞
- 天府事變CDREV
- 難道真的要吞下這份屈辱
難道說國難當頭還要讓我們繼續讓步 難道真要對一切熟視無睹 眼睜睜看著被劃掉的國土再也抬不起頭顱難道 帝國列強對我們虎視眈眈 膨脹的野心不停的盤算不停的糾纏 誰可以救我們 不是那無能的北洋政府 只有我們自己能救自己 不願做奴隸的人們 巴黎和會的消息傳到北平 從人們眼裡能看到搖曳風中的命運 哪怕我不是王公貴族將門之後出身 作為中國青年也要扛起這份責任 我只是一個普通平凡無奇的學生 但國之興亡匹夫有責沒有任何疑問 只要有書在圖書館裡就能睡得安穩 可如今國之屈辱讓我輾轉反側只想為民族鬥爭 今天是5月4號 各大高校同胞聚集高喊外爭國權內懲** 還我領土山東 我們為此衝鋒 讓世界看看中華青年為此棄筆從戎 巴黎和會終於落下帷幕 我們不會簽字不會再讓人肆意欺辱 今天會被重筆記錄 五四運動只是一個序幕 這是我的故事 就讓我今天講述 聽這就是我的故事 不需要什麼言辭修飾 來一起分享你的小堅持 一閃一閃發光就像寶石 I used to be a staff in a Sino-foreign joint venture company Prejudice at that time was worse than I had learned in my college Every time I picked up my phone to sell products to the western I got phone call terminated when I said “I am from China” words ain't finished 'fore they hung up I made up my mind to change this whole thing I took off my suit and tie to start rapping Then I locked myself up in the studio I wrote my words and poured my ink with pure intention -to restore the old impression western people had on China I just hoped they'd listen Then the hit “This is China” came out Applause and flower But foreign media were pissed off Seems like I had to fight with BBC and those fake news orgs' “Another Beauty” y'all Nowadays I feel like China's getting better We living in a good life But never get conceited Be humble and be prepared Overcome weakness and be aware All walks oflife No matter what we are we've done a great job But we still have to fight I'm a rapper lyrics are my bullets to shoot This is my story and the things I gotta do How about you? 聽這就是我的故事 不需要什麼言辭修飾 來一起分享你的小堅持 一閃一閃發光就像寶石 聽這就是我的故事 不需要什麼言辭修飾 來一起分享你的小堅持 一閃一閃發光就像寶石