- Audiotricz different 歌詞
- Audiotricz
- Somebody once said that everybody's created equal
有人說人人生來平等 You're different 你便與眾不同 Somebody once said that everybody's created equal 有人說人人生來平等 I truly believe that 固然如此 It doesn't mean we are the same though 但這不代表我們就必須和別人一模一樣 And sometimes we recognize that 而且有時候我們得承認 Most of the times we don't 我們很難和每個人步調一致 And that's ok 不過這沒什麼大不了 'Cause life isn't about being perfect or being stainless 因為人生的意義不在於十全十美 It's about finding common goals 而在於求同存異 That will turn strangers into lifelong friends 讓素昧平生變為知己 Complete opposites into soulmates 讓勁敵成為靈魂伴侶 That turns adversaries into allies 使乾戈化為玉帛
這意味著 And this means 當我們和別人進行溝通時 That when we see, feel, hear or sense each other 應該停止患得患失 We don't consider ourselves or others to be better or worse 有人說人人生來平等 Somebody once said that everybody's created equal 固然如此 I really believe that 但當你接受過150bpm的硬派樂的洗禮以後 But when you go through life at 150 bpm 你便與眾不同 You're different! 你的價值超乎你的想像
而且你完全可以成為你想成為的那個人 You belong to a greater purpose 當你不再為不了解你的人對你的挑剔的話語妄自菲薄的時候 And you can be whoever you want to be 有人說人人生來平等 Without the judgemental objection of those who fail to understand 固然如此 Somebody once said that everybody's created equal 但當我們接受過150bpm的硬派樂的洗禮以後 I truly believe that 我們便與眾不同 But we go through life at 150 bpm 我們便與眾不同 We're different! We're different