- CAPRICE Tom用sister 歌詞
- To My Sister致妹妹
節選自William Wordsworth(1770-1850)威廉·華茲華斯詩作。 華茲華斯是英國文學史上最重要的詩人之一,也是英國浪漫主義運動中最偉大和最有影響的詩人。他的作品一掃古典主義雅緻雕飾的詩風,強調“一切好詩都是強烈感情的自然流露”,以其純樸清新的語言搖寫大自然中的景物和人物以及人們的生活。 (黎歷譯) IT is the first mild day of March: Each minute sweeter than before The redbreast sings from the tall larch That stands beside our door. 這是三月裡第一個溫暖的天: 片刻都比以往更馨甜 高高的落葉松聳立門旁 知更鳥在樹上縱聲歌唱。 There is a blessing in the air, Which seems a sense of joy to yield To the bare trees, and mountains bare, And grass in the green field. 空氣中洋溢的祝福, 似乎充滿喜悅之感, 召喚裸露的樹林,光禿的山粱 和那長著小草的綠原。 My sister! (tis a wish of mine) Now that our morning meal is done, Make haste, your morning task resign; Come forth and feel the sun. 我的妹妹! (那不過是我的願望) 既然我們已吃過早飯, 快點,把你早晨的工作放一放; 快來吧,快來享受這溫暖的陽光。 Edward will come with you;--and, pray, Put on with speed your woodland dress; And bring no book: for this one day Well give to idleness. 愛德華將與你同遊,我懇求你, 快快穿上你的林地出遊裝; 不要帶書:這一天 我們要盡情享受暇閒。 No joyless forms shall regulate Our living calendar: We from to-day, my Friend, will date The opening of the year. 不要用無趣的表格來控制 我們生活的日曆和時間: 從現在起,我的朋友,請記錄 這新一年的開啟篇章。 Love, now a universal birth, From heart to heart is stealing, From earth to man, from man to earth: --It is the hour of feeling. 愛,與生俱來人人享有, 偷來的愛心碰心, 自然對人類的愛,人類對自然的愛: ——是此刻的感覺。 One moment now may give us more Than years of toiling reason: Our minds shall drink at every pore The spirit of the season. 此時的片刻給我們的啟迪 甚過多年艱辛的思索: 我們的頭腦應透過每個毛孔 來吸吮這季節的精華佳釀。 Some silent laws our hearts will make, Which they shall long obey: We for the year to come may take Our temper from to-day. 我們的心靈將製定無聲, 但須長久遵循的法律: 為新的一年,從今日起 我們可以變得從容鎮靜。 And from the blessed power that rolls About, below, above, Well frame the measure of our souls: They shall be tuned to love. 以無處不在的上蒼 賜予我們的能力, 我們將構築 那屈從於愛的心靈。 Then come, my Sister! come, I pray, With speed put on your woodland dress; And bring no book: for this one day Well give to idleness. 那麼來吧,我的妹妹!快來,我懇求你, 快快穿上你的林地出遊裝; 不要帶書:這一天 我們要盡情享受暇閒。