- Khrebto After All 歌詞
- Khrebto
我們會在限期內回來 We'll be back on the ceiling 我身陷荊棘,試圖突出重圍 I've been stumbling around,figuring out 如何得到我朝思暮想之物 How to get what I'm missing 我會定下遠大目標,不會輕言放棄 I'll shoot for the moon,won't give up too soon 這麼久了,我一直是你愛人 I've been your valentine,for so long 我們一直是彼此的全部 I was all yours and you were mine,for so long 星星都還掛在天上,沒有一顆隕落 Don't any stars have died? No,no 我們仍然可以看見它們閃耀的光芒 And we can still see them shine 最後的最後 After all 一切的終點 After all 終究 After all 我希望你能聽到我內心的聲音 And I hope that you hear me 年少輕狂過這些年,現在我卻有點後怕 It't been crazy these years but I felt the fears 我希望現在意識到還來得及 And now I hope it's not too late 定下遠大的目標,不輕言放棄 Shoot for the moon,don 't give up too soon 我一直是你的所愛 I've been your valentine,for so long 我們也一直是彼此的全部 I was all yours and you were mine ,for so long 星星都還掛在天上,沒有一顆隕落 Don't any stars have died? No,no 我們仍然可以看見它們閃耀的光芒 And we can still see them shine 一切的終點 After all 最後的最後 After all 終究 After all 光年已過 Lightyears passing by 你依舊存在於我腦海中,珍貴而明亮 Oh,you're still on my mind precious and bright 你是我在夜裡渴望的一切 You're all I am longing for at night 你的光芒明明還留存於此,讓人難以接受你已經離開的事實 It's so hard to believe that you're gone when you still shine 一切的終點 After all 最後的最後 After all 這,是結局 After all