- Therion shoot them down! 歌詞
- Therion
- (Prelude)
PEOPLE: Death to the tyrant 民眾齊唱:暴君的死期 He must go down 他必敗退 Death to the tyrant 暴君的死期 He must fail 他必死 WOMAN: His time has come 女抗議者:他死期以至 Cursed be the evil one 詛咒這邪魔 MAN: Antichrist, hear us now 男抗議者:敵基督啊,你聽好了 We will bring to an end... 我們將摧毀… PROFESSOR PAULI: ...all thy evil temples on earth 保利教授:…地上所有邪魔廟宇 MAN: Soon the wrath of angels 男抗議者:天使的怒火 Are marching down your halls 將焚毀你的廳堂 PEOPLE: Somethings going on 民眾齊唱:山雨欲來… WOMAN: Forces of the Prince of Hell bring the tears unwept 女抗議者:地獄之子的邪力橫掃人間,淚水尚未擦乾
SOLDIERS OF ANTICHRIST: Shoot them down! Shoot them down! 敵基督麾下士兵齊唱:擊殺叛徒!擊殺叛徒! Every one 不留活口 Shoot them down! Shoot them down 擊殺叛徒!擊殺叛徒! Every one 不留活口
To you all is given cries of future words 未來的哭喊叫你們領受 In the empty heaven - echoes left unheard 空蕩的天堂-聽不見你們的哭喊 APOLLONIUS: Ripples of anger, splashing of bloodshed 阿波羅尼奧斯:憤怒如水波擴散,血液如水花噴濺 In the name of Caesar Seth 以凱撒賽特的名 Victory! 勝利! Scarlet glow above thee, dragons eyes 血光照亮穹宇,巨龍的雙目 Flames that I breathe 我熾熱的呼吸