- fleurie Mansion 歌詞
- NF fleurie
- Insidious is blind inception
爾虞我詐是盲目的開端 Whats reality with all these questions? 在這所有的問題下真相又為何物? Feels like I missed my alarm and slept in (slept in) 感覺像是我錯過了清醒的時刻並沉睡下去(昏睡) Broken legs but I chase perfection 步履蹣跚卻仍舊追逐完美的人生 These walls are my blank expression 這些牆壁好比我茫然失若的面目 My mind is a home Im trapped in 我的大腦是將自己圍困的屋子 And its lonely inside this mansion 隻身孤影遊蕩在這間大宅里頭 Yo my mind is a house with walls covered in lyrics 我的大腦就像一間以詞為牆的房屋 Theyre all over the place, theres songs in the mirrors 它們無處不在,無數歌曲存於鏡面之中 Written all over the floors, all over the chairs 歌詞寫滿了地板,繪盡了所有桌椅 And you get the uncut version of life when I go downstairs 當我走下樓,你會看到我未刪減的人生經歷 Thats where I write when Im in a bad place and need to release 每當我境遇不加需要釋放時就是在那將回憶逐一記載 And let out the version of NF you dont want to see 然後放映出NF的一面,你不會想看見這段記憶 I put holes in the walls with both of my fists til they bleed 我用雙拳不斷擊打牆壁直到兩隻手都流出鮮血 You might get a glimpse of how I cope with all this anger in me 你也許能夠一睹我處理自己心中憤怒的方式 Physically abused, now thats the room that I dont want to be in 這是“虐待之室”,那房間是我最不想進入的地方【NF被母親離婚後結交的男友虐待】 That picture aint blurry at all, I just dont want to see it 那折磨的情景沒模糊過,我真的一眼都不想再看到 And these walls aint blank, I just think I dont want to see em 四周的牆毫無空處,我只是覺得自己不會願意見到它們 But why not? Im in here, so I might as well read em 為什麼拒絕呢?既然來到了,那我就不如好好看一番 I gotta thank you for this anger that I carry around 我還得因為這化為動力的憤怒好好感謝你 Wish I could take a match and burn this whole room to the ground 真希望我能點著一根火柴把這整間房子焚為焦土 Matter of fact I think Ima burn this room right now 事實上我想現在馬上就把這房間燒毀掉 Somehow this memory for some reason just wont come down 不知何故這段痛苦的記憶就是不肯消停 You used to put me in the corner, so you could see the fear in my eyes 你過去常把我逼到牆角,這樣你就能看到我眼裡的畏懼 Then took me downstairs and beat me til I screamed and I cried 然後把我抓下樓梯狠狠地毆打我直到我哭吼交加 Congratulations, youll always have a room in my mind 真是可喜可賀,你會一直佔據我記憶中的一角 But Ima keep the door shut and lock the lyrics inside 可我還要關好房門再附上歌詞鎖在一塊 Insidious is blind inception 爾虞我詐是盲目的開端 Whats reality with all these questions? 在這所有的問題下真相又為何物? Feels like I missed my alarm and slept in (slept in) 感覺像是我錯過了清醒的時刻並沉睡下去(昏睡) Broken legs but I chase perfection 步履蹣跚卻仍舊追逐完美的人生 These walls are my blank expression 這些牆壁好比我茫然失若的面目 My mind is a home Im trapped in 我的大腦是圍困自我的屋子 And its lonely inside this mansion (inside this mansion) 隻身孤影遊蕩在這間大宅里頭(在這屋中) Yo my mind is a house with walls covered in pain 我的大腦像一間房子,牆壁貼滿了痛楚 See my problem is I dont fix things 我的問題所在是我沒半點行動 I just try to repaint, cover em up, like it never happen 我只會竭力地粉刷保護色,將它們掩蓋,彷彿沒有發生過 Say I wish I could change. Are you confused? 我也希望自己能作出改變。你感到不理解? Come upstairs and Ill show you what I mean 來到樓上,我會讓你明白我所說的話 This rooms full of regrets, just keeps getting fuller it seems 這間房裡充滿了悔恨,始終都充滿了懊惱之感 The moment I walk in to it is the same moment that I wanna leave 剛走進這房間的一剎那我馬上就想要離開 I get sick to my stomach every time I look at these things 每次看到這些東西我便感到不適隱隱作吐 But its hard to look past when this is the room where I sleep 可當這房間是我入睡的地方時根本沒可能視而不見 I look around. One of the worst things I wrote on these walls 向四周望去,我記錄在牆上最糟糕的事情 Was the moment I realized that I was losing my mom 是我意識到自己失去了母親的那瞬間【NF母親因濫用藥物致死】 And one of the first things I wrote was I wish I would have called 我寫的最重要的一條是希望當初有給媽媽打過電話 But I should just stop now, we ain′t got enough room in this song 但是我該馬上停下來,這首歌的容量已經所剩無幾 And I regret the fact that I struggled trying to find who I am 我感到後悔不及因為自己不斷掙扎著試圖想找回自我 And I lie to myself and say I do the best that I can 我欺騙自己說一定會竭盡我的全力 Shrug it off like it aint nothing like it's out of my hands 不以為然假裝得彷彿自己已經就無能為力 Then get ticked off whenever I see it affecting my plans 然後每次看到這樣做的後果影響了自己計劃時變得暴躁 And I regret watching these trust issues eat me alive 我非常後悔眼睜睜看著信任危機感將自己吞噬 And at the rate Im going theyll probably still be there when I die 按照這樣的想法活著也許到我死時這種感覺還會存在 Congratulations, youll always have a room in my mind 真是可喜可賀,你們會一直佔據我記憶中的一角 The question is: Will I ever clean the walls off in time? 問題是:以後我會將牆上記下的東西清除掉嗎? Insidious is blind inception 爾虞我詐是盲目的開端 Whats reality with all these questions? 在這所有的問題下真相又為何物? Feels like I missed my alarm and slept in (slept in) 感覺像是我錯過了清醒的時刻並沉睡下去 Broken legs but I chase perfection 步履蹣跚卻仍舊追逐完美的人生 These walls are my blank expression 這些牆壁好比我茫然失若的面目 My mind is a home Im trapped in 我的大腦是將自己圍困的屋子 And its lonely inside this mansion (inside this mansion) 隻身孤影遊蕩在這間大宅里頭(在這屋中) So this part of my house, no ones been in it for years 所以我這間“心房”,已經好些年沒有人進去過 I built the safe room and I dont let no one in there 我造了安全室並且抵擋住所有人不讓他們進來 Cause if I do, theres a chance 因為只要我這樣做了 That they might disappear and not come back 他們才有可能消失眼前不再出現 And I admit I am emotionally scared to let anyone inside 我承認自己太神經過敏,害怕讓任何人走進心裡 So I just leave my doors locked 所以我讓自己的心門緊閉 You might get other doors to open up but this doors not 你也許能找出另一扇能打開的門但這一扇不可能 Cause I dont want you to have the opportunity to hurt me 因為我不想給你任何一次傷害到我的機會 And Ill be the only person that I can blame when you desert me 當你將我遺棄,我就會成了唯一會被責怪的人 Im barricaded inside 我在心裡設下路障 So stop watching 別再窺探觀望 Im not coming to the door 我不可能會給你開門 So stop knocking, stop knocking 別再敲了,給我停下來! Im trapped here 我已受困於此 God keep saying Im not locked in 上帝一直說我並沒有被鎖起 I chose this 是我作繭自縛 I am lost in my own conscience 我在自己的良知裡迷失方向 I know that shutting the wall down aint solving the problem 我很清楚把世界阻擋在外根本於事無補 But I didnt build this house because I thought it would solve ′em 可我沒有築起這間房子因為我覺得這樣能將問題解決 I built it because I thought that it would be safer in there 我將它築起因為我覺得這樣可以讓我更安心地待在這裡面 But its not, Im not the only thing thats living in here 事實卻相反,我並不是唯一居於這裡的傢伙 Fear cameto my house years ago I let em in 一年前我放恐懼感進來到我這心房 Maybe thats the problem 也許那才是問題所在 Cause Ive been dealing with this ever since 因為我從那時起一直都在與之鬥爭 I thought that he would leave, but its obvious he never did 本以為它會離開,但很顯然它不會移開半步 He must have picked the room and got comfortable and settled in 它肯定已經選好了一間房然後在裡面安適地紮了根 Now Im in the position its either sit here and let him win 現在我只有要么坐以待斃,或讓它任意妄為 Or put him back outside where he came from, but I never can 或是將它趕回原來的地方,然而我沒任何勝算 Cause in order to do that Id have to open the doors 因為一旦那樣做我就不得不把心門敞開 Is that me or the fear talking? 到底是我還是恐懼感在說話? I dont know anymore 連我自己也搞不清了