- Danielle Bradbery F-150 歌詞
- Danielle Bradbery
- I can drive by your street and not feel a thing
開車經過你所住的那條街,內心卻毫無波瀾 Play all of those songs you used to play me 音響放著那些你曾點的歌 Get drunk with my friends and not think to call 與朋友買醉,卻不曾想給你來電 Could think of you a little, but I don't think of you at all 我可以把你放在心上,但你不能是全部 I've been growing up, getting strong, moving on 我無時無刻不在成長,變得強大,不斷向前 Then I see an F-150 而後,一輛F-150躍進眼簾 And all the memories of you just hit me 那些有關於你的記憶頓時湧上心頭 You're driving right through my mind 每每你在我的腦海裡橫衝直撞 And every time I think I'm fine 我都認為這無傷大雅 I see the headlights of an F-150 車前燈閃爍,那是輛F-150
我自然可以和今晚剛遇到的男孩親熱一番 I can make out with a boy I just met tonight 不會感到壓迫,也不會草草幾杯就落淚 And not feel guilty, not drunk cry 可以毫不猶豫地把你的名字拋到一邊,飲下威士忌 I can sip whiskey straight not think of your name 吧內廝混,不用在人群中找尋你熟悉面容 Be in any bar and not look for your face 而是找回迷失的自我 I've been doing better and okay, yeah 但我看見了一輛F-150 But then I see an F-150 它的出現使我馬上想到了你 And all the memories of you just hit me 每每你在我的頭腦裡橫衝直撞 You're driving right through my mind 我都認為自己可以從容應對 And every time I think I'm fine 車前燈閃爍,那是輛F-150 I see the headlights of an F-150 但不是記憶中你的那輛
記得在汽車影院時,夜晚牽著燈光來到,那後擋板令我印象頗深,當然還有營火 But it's not even your F-150 慢下來,步入成熟,墜入愛河,不知何時這一切已與我無關
也許某天,我能再次擁有這些權利 It's the drive-ins, the late nights, the tailgates, and the bonfires 當一輛F-150映入眼簾 Slowing down, growing up, making love, it all sneaks back up 那些有關於你的記憶頓時湧上心頭 Maybe soon it won't sneak back up 生活上,你如履平地,而我也不斷前進著 When Isee an F-150 我會做到從容不迫的 And all the memories of you won't hit me 看見那輛F-150的剎那 You'll be moving on with your life and I'll be moving on with mine 我就立刻想起了你 And I'll be fine 生活上,你如履平地,而我也不會在原地躊躇 When I see an F-150 我定能活得自在 And all the memories of you won't hit me 若F-150映入眼簾,一輛或是許多輛 You'll be moving on with your life and I'll be moving on with mine 我都將漠視其存在,毫無例外 And I'll be actually fine 我為自己繪製了嶄新的記憶 When I see an F-150 繪出那汽車影院,那引來盞盞燈光的夜晚,那後擋板,還有那熊熊篝火
我將放慢節奏,步入成熟,而後墜入愛河 I don't even notice all those F-150's 但我們已是分道揚鑣了,對吧 I've been making myself new memories 當一輛F-150映入眼簾 At the drive-ins, the late nights, the tailgates, and the bonfires 我將索還自己曾為其付出的一切 I'll be slowing down, growing up, making love But it won't be us, no When I see an F-150 I'll take back what it took from me