- 張菲 Volare(意大利文) 歌詞
- 張菲
- 作詞:Modugno/Migliacci
Penso che un sogno cosi non ritorni mai piu Mi dipingevo le mani e la faccia di blu Poi d'improvviso venivo dal vento rapido E incominciavo a volare nel cielo infinito
Volare, oh oh Cantare, oh oh oh oh Nel blu, dipinto di blu Felice di stare lassu E volavo, volavo felice piu in alto del sole ed ancora piu su Mentre il mondo pian piano spariva lontano laggiu Una musica dolce suonava soltanto per me
Volare, oh oh Cantare, oh oh oh oh Nel blu, dipinto di blu Felice di stare lassu
To Fly (In the blue painted blue)
In the blue painted blue, happy of being up there In the blue painted blue, happy of being up there
I think a dream like that will never return I painted the hands and the face blue then suddenly I was abducted by the wind and I started to fly in the infinite sky
To fly, oh oh To sing, oh oh oh In the blue painted blue, happy of being up there
And I flew, I flew happy, higher than the sun and higher again while the world slowly disappeared far away down there a sweet music played only for me
To fly, oh oh To sing, oh oh oh In the blue painted blue, happy of being up there
In the blue of your blue eyes, happy of being down there
And I keep on flying happy, higher than the sun and higher again while the world slowly disappears in your blue eyes your voice is a sweet music playing only for me
To fly, oh oh To sing, oh oh oh In the blue painted blue, happyof being up there
In the blue of your blue eyes, happy of being down there In the blue of your blue eyes, happy of being down there In the blue of your blue eyes, happy of being down there with you