- Kayzo
- How long?
還要在這桎梏藩籬中壓抑多久? Must I be waiting here? 我真的無能為力無法掙脫嗎? Slowly drowning in my darkest fear 逐漸深溺於最猖獗的恐懼 How long? 還需要等多久? Until the end is near? 難道真的要等到無可挽救嗎? I'm fitting out until I disappear 在我掙脫之前拼命積蓄力量 All we ever 我們想要的 Wanted was love 只有愛 Was love 只有愛 We are the monsters 我們是異類但又如何 We are the monsters 我們所向披靡 And we are the same 我們是同類 Yeah we are the monsters 是啊我們都是異獸 And we have survived 在黑暗中苟延殘喘倖存下來 We are to blame 我們受譴責受批判 Going out to fade away 他們說我們一看到光就會死亡 Fill my up man it's hard to say 那就讓那光來吧來侵蝕我這很難說 If I' m okay but I'm alive and well today 事實證明我活下來了並且感覺好極了 I'm alive 我活下來了 I'm alive 我還抓住希望 I'm alive and well 我很好好極了 I'll survive 我會堅持下去 I'll survive 從不輕易妥協 We'll survive enough 我們都能融入光明 I'm alive 我活下來了 I'm alive 我還抓住希望 I'm alive and well 我很好好極了 I'll survive 我會堅持下去 I'll survive 從不輕易妥協 We'll survive enough 我們都能融入光明 All we ever 我們想要的 Wanted was love 只是愛 Was love 只是愛 We are the monsters 我們是異類但又如何 We are the monsters 我們所向披靡 And we are the same 我們是同類 (All we ever wanted was love) (我們需要的只是愛) (Was Love) (是愛) Yeah we are the monsters 是啊我們是異獸 (All we ever wanted was love) (但我們想要的只是愛) (Was Love) (只是愛) Yeah we are to blame 好吧我們雖受批判 Yeah we are the monsters 但我們自成一派