- 史逸欣 Homecoming (Walter's Song) 歌詞
- 史逸欣
- [01:42.67][03:59.77][05:39.26]史逸欣-Homecoming(Walters Song)
歸家(沃爾特的歌) [03:53.74][05:42.02] ★ danfeng927 ★ danfeng927(感謝提供歌詞) Its desert ice outside 外面是冰涼的荒漠 but this diner has thawed my ears 但是這個小餐館已經溫暖了我凍僵的耳朵 Hot coffee in a clean white mug and a smile 當女服務員聽到 when the waitress hears 我出生在北卡羅來納州的時候 That I was born in north carolina 她微笑著遞過來一杯熱咖啡 Not an hour from her home town 那裡離她的家不過一小時路程 And we used to play the same pizza parlor pinball 我們曾在同一個披薩店玩過彈球 And theres a glance in time 時間一下子停滯下來 suspended as I wonder how it is 不知為何 Weve been swept up just by circumstance 我們一下子都被包裹在這樣的氛圍中 to where the coyote lives 彷彿間回到了那個有郊狼生活的地方 Where my days are strips of highway 在那裡我每天都像生活在公路片中一樣 And shes wiping tables down 她擦了擦桌子 Holding on and still waiting for that windfall 站在那裡等著我的小費 But Ive come home 但是我已經到家了 Even though Ive never had so far to go 雖然我從來沒有這麼長的路要走 [03:04.01][05:22.80] Ive come home 我已經到家了 I pay the check and leave the change 歸家(沃爾特的歌) from a crumpled ten-dollar bill 我結了賬,並且留下了 Head across the street 一張皺巴巴的十元鈔票當做小費 where vacancy is burning in neon still 向街上走去 Well the night eats up my body heat 霓虹燈仍在閃爍 And theres no sign of another 夜晚一點點蠶食我身體的熱量 And I find myself slipping down into that black 街道上沒有其他人的跡象 But things are good Ive got 我發現自己正慢慢沒入黑暗中 a lot of followers of my faith 但是我已經找到了最美好的東西 Ive got a whole congregation 有了很多我信仰的追隨者 living inmy head these days 我有了一個追隨我的團體 And Im preaching from the pulpit 這些天他們一直在我腦海中 To cries of“Amen brother” 當我在講台上宣講時 Closing my eyes to feel the warmth come back 呼喊著“阿門兄弟”時 And Ive come home 閉上我的眼睛,去感覺這歸家的溫暖 Even though I swear Ive never been so alone 我已經到家了 I just want to be living as Im dying 即使我發誓我從來沒有那麼孤單 Just like everybody here 我已經到家了 Just want to know my little 我只是想像自己正在死去那樣生活 flicker of time is worthwhile 像所有在這裡生活的人一樣 And I dont know where Im driving to 只是想弄清楚我的,小小的 But I know Im getting old 時間的變幻是值得的 And theres a blessing in every moment every mile 我不知道我將駛去何方 Thin white terry bars of soap 但是我知道我正慢慢變老 and a couple little plastic cups 路途上的每時每刻,每一公里,都有祝福圍繞 Old gideons bible in the nightstand ★ danfeng927(感謝提供歌詞) drawer saying“Go on open up” 歸家(沃爾特的歌) Well Ill kneel down on the carpet here 細細的白色毛巾架 Though I never was sure of god 小小的塑料杯 Think tonight Ill give him the benefit of the doubt 床頭櫃上的老聖經 I switch off the lights and imagine 抽屜說:“來吧,打開它! ” that waitress outlined in the bed 我跪在了地毯上 Her hair falling all around me 儘管我不曾確定是否有神存在 I smile and shake my head 但我想今晚我會去相信他 Well we all write our own endings 我關上燈,開始想像 And we all have our own scars 女服務員在床上的輪廓 But tonight I think I see what its all about 她的頭髮圍繞著我 Because Ive come home 我笑著搖搖頭