- 新少年 joke! 歌詞
- 新少年
- I don't wanna kill you
我其實不願取你性命 But 1 2 3 I'm gonna shoot 但數到三就會毫不猶豫地開槍 Tell me more How much you scream 繼續歇斯底里讓我聽聞你大喊大叫 Ah-ah 天啊我從頭到腳都如此快意暢然 Oh my I feel so high from head to toe 愛著你 Love you 我心下明了你定是個人物 I know you need to be someone 惡魔天使 Evil angel 抑或是某個須得遭受苦楚之人 Or someone has to suffer 寶貝你如今一無所有 Baby you've got nothing 只因我也是如出一轍 Cuz I ain't got nothing 而當你知悉我們彼此糾葛的緣由 When you find out why we got in 不如乾脆開懷大笑 Rather be laughing 就此雙膝跪地 Get down on your knees 祈求寬容饒恕 Beg forgiveness 而我的愛全權取決於你 My love that's up to you 我其實不願取你性命 I don't wanna kill you 但我無法隨意主宰我擬定的規則 But I can't control my rules 멋대로 發射子彈數到三該是時全身而退 발사자1 2 3 yeah time to quit 不斷狂奔繼續奔跑 Ah- ah 卻震驚地發覺 Keep running running 你已無法邁開一步 coming stunning 愛著你 You can't move 我心下明了你定是個人物 Love you 惡魔天使 I know you need to be someone 抑或是某個須得遭受苦楚之人 Evil angel 寶貝你如今一無所有 Or someone has to suffer 只因我也是如出一轍 Baby you've got nothing 而當你知悉我們彼此糾葛的緣由 Cuz I ain't got nothing 不如乾脆開懷大笑 When you find out why we got in 就此雙膝跪地 Rather be laughing 祈求寬容饒恕 Get down on your knees 我的愛全由你表現決定 Beg forgiveness My love that's up to you