- Last Heroes Atlas 歌詞
- Last Heroes
- [tool: 歌詞滾動姬https://lrc-maker.github.io]
迷失於時間的流逝 Lost in time 在此處 Out here waiting 傾盡一生去等待 All my life 只為找尋那 To find the way I felt 昔日的天真無邪 When I had my innocence 為何我們的現今和昔日大相庭徑 Why's it gotta be so different from 當我們用毯子將簷篷鋪設 When we make canopies out of blankets 街道的黑暗便被燈光點亮 Dark streets lit up with the lights that paved it 面朝著夜空映射著星星的光亮 Wound up looking at the stars to faces in the sky 因為四下我們已無處可尋 Cause we had nothing more to find around us 不知歲月會讓我們做出什麼改變 No idea that the years would change us 我們所留下的傷疤終究會讓我們漸行漸遠 Yeah, our scars they made us getting over now 你仍在此處與回憶周旋 You, just wander around for a minute 你只想相信自己的直覺 You, just wanna believe in the feeling 你仍留戀著這燈光之下 You, just wander the light for a minute 你堅信著這昔日的感覺 You, just wanna believe in the feeling 你堅信著這昔日的感覺 Just wanna believe in the feeling 你堅信著這昔日的感覺 Just wanna believe in the feeling 你堅信著這昔日的感覺 Just wanna believe in the feeling 所有人都有過傷痛 Everybody bleeds the same 我們的回憶同樣苦痛不堪 Our memories [?] that pain 它將會帶我們去見證 That take us to a [?] lands 更為壯闊的世界 [?] to a greater place 當我們用毯子將簷篷鋪設 When we make canopies out of blankets 街道的黑暗便被燈光點亮 Dark streets lit up with the lights that paved it 面朝著夜空映射著星星的光亮 Wound up looking at the stars to faces in the sky 因為四下我們已無處可尋 Cause we had nothing more to find around us 不知歲月會讓我們做出什麼改變 No idea that the years would change us 我們所留下的傷疤終究會讓我們漸行漸遠 Yeah, our scars they made us gettingover now 你仍在此處與回憶周旋 You,just wander around for a minute 你只想相信自己的直覺 You, just wanna believe in the feeling 你仍留戀著這燈光之下 You, just wander the light for a minute 你堅信著這昔日的感覺 You, just wanna believe in the feeling 你堅信著這昔日的感覺 Just wanna believe in the feeling 你堅信著這昔日的感覺 Just wanna believe in the feeling 你堅信著這昔日的感覺 You, just wanna believe in the feeling 你堅信著這昔日的感覺 You, just wanna believe in the feeling