- Bülow two punk sin love 歌詞
- Bülow
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一.二.三.:) Two punks in love 被愛情蒙蔽雙眼的兩個小傻瓜 You had my back from day one 自第一天起我便將全身心託付給你 We were so young 我們曾值大好青春年華 Your last off hit like a truck 你的最後一擊讓我心神蕩漾 A loaded gun 如上膛的槍全力開火 That cupid knew what was up 只有丘比特知道究竟發生了什麼 And now Im locked 直至如今我仍深深迷戀著你~ Inseparable weve become 我們已然休戚與共 Even though the years go by 哪怕過去了這麼多年 Seasons change and flowers die 四季變換花開花謝 Were still rocking side by side 我們仍攜手相伴不曾離棄 Im still yours and youre still mine 我仍屬於你你也唯屬於我 You broke my heart a million times 你曾無數次傷透了我的心 We can count the ways Ive made you cry 我們也尤記那些我曾讓你淚如雨下的時刻 Always such a mess 我們的愛情總是麻煩不斷 But I get depressed at the thought of losing you 但是每當我想到要失去你就會感到沮喪 We were kids its been a while 我們曾是幼稚孩童 But you still work to make me smile 但你仍舊為我的笑顏不懈努力 Stolen kiss now 偷吻一個; ) I cant wait to waste my life away with you 我已迫不及待與你一同揮霍光陰 You waste my life away with you you 與你讓我與你一同揮霍這美好人生 Two punks in love 被愛情蒙蔽雙眼的兩個小傻瓜~ Growing pains from growing up 不斷地成長總是伴隨著愈烈的傷痛 Your dad was drunk 你的老爹醉眼朦朧 Your escape was my house 你逃離的去處唯有我家 Yours fell apart 你的家已分崩離析不再是家的模樣 They said their love was not enough 他們說彼此的愛不夠深切 But from the start 但從初始之時 We promise we wont give up 我們就曾許下諾言不輕易放棄 Even though the years go by 哪怕過去了這麼多年 Seasons change and flowers die 四季變更鳥啼花落 Were still rocking side by side 我們仍攜手相伴生死相隨 Im still yours and youre still mine 我仍隸屬於你你歸屬於我 You broke my heart a million times 你曾千百次傷透我的心 We can count the ways Ive made you cry 我們也尤記那些我曾讓你淚如雨下的時刻 Always such a mess 我們的愛情總是麻煩不斷 But I get depressed at the thought of losing you 但每當我想到就要失去你,我會感到消極萬分 We were kids its been a while 我們曾是幼稚襁褓 But you still work to make me smile 但你仍舊為我的笑顏而貫徹始終 Stolen kiss now 偷吻一個~ I cant wait to waste my life away with you 我已迫不及待與你一同揮霍韶華 You waste my life away with you 與你讓我與你一同揮霍這美好人生 You with you with you 與你一同享受人生 Two punks in love 被愛情蒙蔽雙眼的兩個小傻瓜;-) With a not so pretty love 哪怕這愛不盡如人意 Not giving up not giving up not giving up 可不要放棄吖~ Two punks in love 被愛情蒙蔽雙眸的兩個小傻瓜子~ With a not so pretty love 哪怕這愛不當意① Not giving up not giving up not giving up 可別放棄不要放棄鴨~! You broke my heart a million times 你曾無數次傷透了我的心 We can count the ways Ive made you cry 我們也尤記那些我曾讓你淚如雨下的時刻 Always such a mess 我們的愛情總是被麻煩追著跑 But I get depressed at the thought of losing you 但是每當我想到要失去你就會感到沮喪 We were kids its been a while 我們曾是幼稚孩童 But you still work to make me smile 但你仍舊為我的笑顏不懈努力 Stolen kiss now 偷吻一個唄~ I cant wait to waste my life away with you 我已迫不及待與你一同揮霍光陰~ 等不及辣~! You waste my life away with you 願與你海枯石爛天長地久 You with you with you 與你相濡以沫風情月意 You waste my life away with you you 伉儷情深死生契闊