- Coldplay Viva La Vida 歌詞
- Coldplay
- 製作人: Brian Eno/Markus Dravs/Rik Simpson
我曾是這世界的王 鋼琴: Chris Martin 海浪升起,只因我的旨意 電吉他: Jonny Buckland 如今,我在清晨獨自入眠 弦樂: Davide Rossi 清掃那曾屬於我的康莊大道 音頻助理: Andy Rugg/Brian Thorn/Chris Allgood/Daniel Green/Vanessa Parr 我曾擲骰裁決那人世的生生死死 低音吉他: Guy Berryman 洞察死敵眼神裡隱藏的恐懼 合成器: Guy Berryman 聽那人群高呼 吉他: Jonny Buckland 先王已逝 和聲: Guy Berryman/Will Champion 吾王萬歲 鼓: Will Champion 曾幾何時,我權柄在握 打擊樂: Will Champion 轉瞬卻身陷囹圄 木吉他: Chris Martin 最終發現我那蓋世的宏圖偉業 混音助理: William 'Will' Hensley 只是一座虛無縹緲的空中樓閣 混音工程師: Andy Wallace/Markus Dravs/Michael H. Brauer 我聽見耶路撒冷傳來洪亮的鐘聲 編程: Francois Chevallier 羅馬騎兵的唱詩班正在吟誦 主人聲: Chris Martin 作為我的明鏡, 我的劍和盾 母帶工程師: Bob Ludwig/Emily Lazar 我的佈道者們遠涉異邦 I used to rule the world 他們的使命我無法言明 Seas would rise when I gave the word 自從你離開之後,就從未有過 Now in the morning I sleep alone 從未有過一絲真言 Sweep the streets I used to own 那就是我統治這世界的年月 I used to roll the dice 是那邪惡而狂野的風 Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes 掀翻那阻擋我進去的重重的門 Listen as the crowd would sing 窗櫺破碎,鼓聲喧天
我的下場無人能料 Now the old king is dead 革命者在等待 Long live the king 銀盤裡乘著我的頭顱 One minute I held the key 我只是那命懸一線的傀儡 Next the walls were closed on me 唉,早知如此,何必為王 And I discovered that my castles stand 我聽見耶路撒冷傳來洪亮的鐘聲
羅馬騎兵的唱詩班正在吟誦 Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand 作為我的明鏡, 我的劍和盾
我的佈道者們遠涉異邦 I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing 他們的使命我無法言明 Roman Cavalry choirs are singing 我深知聖彼得不會再認我 Be my mirror my sword and shield 從未有過一絲真言 Mymissionaries in a foreign field 但那正是我統治這世界的年月 For some reason I can't explain 哦哦哦哦哦 Once you go there was never 哦哦哦哦哦 Never an honest word 哦哦哦哦哦
哦哦哦哦哦 But that was when I ruled the world 哦哦哦哦哦
聽見耶路撒冷傳來洪亮的鐘聲 It was the wicked and wild wind 羅馬騎兵的唱詩班正在吟誦
作為我的明鏡, 我的劍和盾 Blew down the doors to let me in 我的佈道者們遠涉異邦 Shattered windows and the sound of drums 他們的使命我無法言明
我深知聖彼得不會再認我 People couldn't believe what I'd become 從未有過一絲真言 Revolutionaries wait 但那正是我統治這世界的年月
For my head on a silver plate Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh who would ever want to be king
I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can't explain I know Saint Peter won't call my name Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh Hear Jerusalem bells are ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can't explain I know Saint Peter won't call my name Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world