- Peter Hollens Arwen's Song 歌詞
- Peter Hollens
- Sindarin(The Grace of the Valar)
以下為辛達林語(瓦拉的恩典) Immen dúath caeda(Shadow lies between us) (陰影橫貫你我之間) Sui tollech, gwanna(thach)omen (As you came, so you shall leave from us) (你的到來也注定將要離別) Boe naid bain gwannathar(All things must pass away) (一切事物都漸漸消逝) Boe cuil ban firitha.ban firitha(All life is doomed to fade) (所有生靈都毀滅殆盡) With a sigh 帶著一聲嘆息 You turn away 你悄然離去了 With a deepening heart 懷著沉重的心 No more words to say 不再談笑風聲 You will find 你將恍然大悟 That the world has changed forever 世界已經改變永遠的改變了 (And) the trees are now turning from green to gold 樹木由綠轉黃 And the sun is now fading 夕陽逐漸隱沒 I wish I could hold you closer 祈求能擁抱你更緊更緊一點 Time and tide will sweep away 時光與潮水會一同奔流向前