- Roxy Music Bitter-Sweet 歌詞
- Roxy Music
- Well this is such a sad affair
這是一件如此悲傷的事情 Ive opened up my heart oh so many times 許多次我敞開心扉 But now its closed 現在已不復存在 Oh my dear 噢,我的摯愛 Every salted tear it wrings 每滴眼淚都帶著鹹澀,伴著絞痛 Bitter-sweet applause 澀與蜜喝采與掌聲 But when the show is in full swing 但表演才真正開始
每過一段時日 Every once in a while 麻木與快感意味著我正在遺忘 High stepping chorus lines mean Im forgetting 我的搖籃曲-心肝寶貝 Mein lullaby-liebchen 愛可以有多麼豐富的反差 How rich in contrast love can be 有時我極度興奮 Sometimes Im quite amused 去窺視它的迂迴與曲折 To see it twist and turn 去吮吸它的甜蜜與晦澀 To taste both sweet and dry 流逝的歲月裡 These vintage years 你消耗著愛人,我的朋友 Lovers you consume my friend 就像他們消耗著美酒 As others their wine 不,這不是 Nein das ist nicht 世界的末日 Das ende der welt 被生活和藝術束縛著 Gestrandet an leben und kunst 這遊戲也依然 Und das spiel geht weiter 如你所料般發展 Wie man weiss 即使許多人依然被表面蒙蔽 Noch viele schnste wiedershen 如今,當你離開
你強顏歡笑,以掩飾 And now as you turn to leave 接踵而來的哭泣 You try to force a smile as if to compensate Then you break down and cry