- Sandy Denny Full Moon 歌詞
- Sandy Denny
- Artist:sandy denny
歌手sandy denny Songs Title:full moon 歌名full moon
人跡消散 Everybody else has gone 你我相愛正綿長
塵世早已入夢鄉 But youre still here with me. 隔窗眺望
映在溪流中的排排街燈細絲柔光 All the world is sleeping by and by. 皎潔的明月在天空穿行遊暢
我們就是在這美妙的夜晚初遇成雙 Through the windowpane 從此你銘刻在了我的心上
來吧與我緊擁 The frosted light is streaming in 思念你我心掀起浪潮
離開你我分秒煎熬 Full moon sailing high across the sky. 你可曾知道
你在我心中是多麼的重要 Tonight is like the night when we first met. 即使夢中相愛我也初心未改
愛人這就是我對你的表白 I always knew I never would forget you. 也許這宛如禱告
曾記否 Come and hold me close 你對我敘述多年以往
我曾一時迷失方向 I miss you more than I can say. 你竟然在滾滾紅塵中發現了我的模樣
我甚至絲毫不知 I cant remember how I pass the time (with you away), 可我對你的情感當時並不知詳 Wondering if youll ever know 我常常出外獨自倘佯
你對我的愛與呵護仍一如既往 How much you mean to me. 美妙的音樂撫平了我心中傷憾
驅散了無數孤獨的昨天 I never dreamed thered be a change of mind. 往日傷感如丟入大海中的一枚銅錢
看不到痕跡 Lover, this is where I want to stay. 月光映照著波浪不起漣漪
記憶仍是那樣新鮮燦爛 Maybe it could always be this way. 今夜還是這麼美妙
花好月圓 I recall you said to me A long, long time ago
dont you lose direction in the crowd (I think you could). But when I did you found me And I didnt even know.
I hardly even knew you were around and understood.
I was reaching out each moment to be free.
You were all those things Id never be.
Gentle music, rock away the sadnesses in me. Rock away my lonely yesterdays
Like pennies on the ocean
til no trace of them I see
till moonlight shows no ripples on the waves.
And then the clear reflection will remain.
Perhaps the same reflection
Of that same full moon.