- COIN Don't Cry, 2020 歌詞
- When I talk about the future
當我和你聊起未來 You've got your arms wrapped around my waist 你就抱著我哭起了鼻子 But let's not talk about the future 我想我們還是先別說了 No 因為
當明天的太陽升起就又是新的一天 Tonight is just another day 說真的 I can't take you serious, I'm serious 今天可是你的生日哎你卻還在鬱鬱寡歡 It's your birthday and you're acting all mysterious 我知道你在擔心自己的未來 You're so concerned about your future, yeah 但是明天也只是明天沒有什麼不同 But tomorrow's just another day 不哭了 Don't cry 不哭了 Don't cry 好嗎 Alright 因為一切都會好的 Oh, it's all gonna be alright 待到夏末八月八我花開後百花殺
十幾個春夏秋冬裡我們跌跌撞撞按時長大 We were summer late-bloomers 記得我們曾經憧憬未來時的情形嗎 Fumbling through our teen age 那時的我們多麼期望自己快快長大 We used to talk about the future 說真的 Remember when we couldn't wait? 這可是你的趴還不起來嗨壽星寶貝你的戰衣呢 I I I I can't take you serious, I'm serious 說真的 It's your party and you're still in bed, you won't get dressed 振作一點 I I I I can't take you serious, are you serious? 不哭了 Don't cry 好不 Don't cry 相信我一切都會好的 Alright 對嘛 Oh, it's all gonna be alright 花有重開時人無再少年 Yeah 歲月不待人
花有重開時人無再少年 Years go by whether you want them to 歲月不待人 Years go by whether you want them to 快畫上你最滿意的妝 Years go by whether you want them to 我給你拿來你最愛的那件毛衣 Years go by whether you want them to 年歲只是個數字罷了
我最親愛的你讓我幫你擦乾淚水 Put on your make-up 不哭了 I laid out your favorite sweater 享受屬於你的每一分每一秒 It's just a number 有我陪你 Darling, dry your eyes 未來可期 Don't cry Don't cry Alright Oh, it's all gonna be al right<比如><比如>