- Bibi Bourelly White House 歌詞
- Bibi Bourelly
- I'm scared for the birds
我害怕黑壓壓飛過的烏鴉 I'm scared for the bees 我害怕密密麻麻爬滿花朵的蜜蜂 I'm scared for the earth 我害怕這個屬於我們的星球 I'm scared for its trees 我害怕生在它身上的大樹們 I'm scared New York's gonna drown 我害怕我最愛的紐約正在淪陷 Mr. Fire Man, the empire is falling down 親愛的消防員叔叔這高聳帝國即將倒塌沉淪 What about all the Lil Jay-Z's? 那些平時叫囂的很厲害的小Jay-Z們呢? What about all the Lil Biggies? 那些說自己繼承Biggie衣缽的說唱歌手們呢? What about all of the free CDs bumping 那些試圖讓自己那些免費專輯火透全國的人呢? And all of the sneaker shops on 8th Street? 第八大街那些嘻哈球鞋小子們 又在哪裡? I don't mind the rain, yeah 我才不管天上掉下傾盆大雨 The rain was made for dancing 那些美麗雨滴是我舞步化成 But I'm afraid of hurricanes 但我的確很恐懼那突然而來的龍捲風 Bang bang, the thunder banging 砰砰砰打雷閃電震動不止 The kid's can't play outside 孩童再也不敢在外自由玩耍 The kid's can't play outside 孩子們再也不敢在外無憂無慮玩耍 Cause the lightning strikes too low 那些罷工的叫囂如同螻蟻毫無影響 And the snipers hit too high 那些不知天高地厚的傻X們卻掌控全局 (I'm not) 我不要這樣 The kid's can't play outside 孩童再也不敢在外自由玩耍 The kid's can't play outside 孩子們再也不敢在外無憂無慮玩耍 Cause the lightning strikes too low 雷聲大雨點小的作為眼巴巴卻無能為力 And the snipers hit too high 而那些掌握實權的無能之人呼聲太高 (I'm not) 我才不要這樣 Oh Mr. Fireman, the devil in the White House 噢消防員叔叔啊你看白宮裡面有個魔鬼 (Yeah, right now, yeah, right now) (對啊就是現在還坐著呢) Oh Mr. Fireman, the devil in the White House 噢我親愛的消防員叔叔難道你眼看這火勢蔓延 (Yeah, right now, yeah, right now) (時間很緊刻不容緩) Oh Mr. Fireman, the devil in the White House 噢消防員叔叔求你撲滅那囂張的火焰吧 (Yeah, right now, yeah, right now) (就是現在就是現在) Oh Mr. Fireman, the devil in the White House 噢我親愛的消防員叔叔睜開你們的眼睛看看 Yeah, right now, yeah, right now 那魔鬼安然自得呢 I'm scared for the wind 我害怕這陸地上突然刮起的風 I'm scared for the sea 我害怕深不見底的海底 I'm scared for all of the little ******* like me 我還害怕這些和我一樣大的姑娘們 Who want to follow their dreams 出賣靈魂只為追求虛無縹緲的浮華 But all of the odds against them 就算現在一切這麼不盡如人意 Don't let it break your faith baby girl 千萬別讓那慾望吞噬你的信仰女孩啊 The misunderstood always change the world 小小誤會總會引起軒然大波 I'm scared that the ones with vision 我真害怕被洗腦的信徒們再也不會思考 Won't ever be able to make no decisions 不會做出自己想要的選擇 I don't mind the rain, yeah 我不介意天下起瓢潑大雨將我淋濕透頂 The rain was made for dancing 我在雨中翩翩起舞 But I'm afraid of hurricanes 但我害怕那突然捲起的狂風 Bang bang, the thunder banging 砰砰加上雷公電母做幫兇 The kid's can't play outside 孩子們再也無法無憂無慮在外玩耍 The kid's can't play outside 孩童們再也無法自由玩耍 Cause the lightning strikes too low 因為我們如此無力任何反抗馬上被壓制 And the snipers hit too high 而那些狙擊手射擊的卻如此精準 (I'm not) 我不想要這樣 Oh Mr. Fireman, the devil in the White House 噢消防員叔叔啊你看白宮裡面有個魔鬼 (Yeah, right now , yeah, right now) (對啊就是現在還坐著呢) Oh Mr. Fireman, the devil in the White House 噢我親愛的消防員叔叔難道你任由這火勢蔓延 (Yeah, right now, yeah, right now) (時間很緊刻不容緩) Oh Mr. Fireman, the devil in the White House 噢消防員叔叔求你撲滅那囂張的火焰吧 (Yeah, right now, yeah, right now) (就是現在就是現在) Oh Mr. Fireman, the devil in the White House 噢我親愛的消防員叔叔睜開你們的眼睛看看 Yeah, right now, yeah, right now 那魔鬼安然自得呢