- Xi. welcome to wonderland 歌詞
- Xi.
- Welcome to wonderland
歡迎來到愛麗絲仙境 We've got it all 你想要的,這裡應有盡有 Potions and pastries that make you grow tall 能讓你隨意變高和縮小的藥劑和糕點 Forest and cottages, castles and cards that can talk 能開口說話的迷霧森林、溫馨村舍、魔幻城堡以及魔卡 Welcome to wonderland 歡迎來到愛麗絲仙境 Look where you're at 瞧瞧你現在身在何處 Maddest of hatters 舉止怪異的瘋帽子 The Cheshire Cat 神秘莫測的柴郡貓 Magical cabins and lovely white rabbits with clocks 充滿魔法的小屋和揣著懷錶的可愛的白兔先生 Dancing through a dream 在漫天星辰下 Underneath the stars 與夢為伴,翩翩起舞 Laughing till the morning comes 開懷大笑直至黎明來臨 Everyone that leaves has a heavy heart 小伙伴們都帶著沉重的心情戀戀不捨地離開 Oooh, wonderland I love 哦~~我最愛的仙境樂園 Welcome to wonderland 歡迎來到愛麗絲仙境 I'll be your guide 讓我帶你領略這神奇的國度 Holding your hand under sapphire skies 牽手漫步在一望無際湛藍的天空下 Let's go exploring or we could just go for a walk 來一場刺激的探險,或是來一次令人心曠神怡的漫步 Welcome to wonderland 歡迎來到愛麗絲仙境 Where should we go 這才是我們的容身之處 Here's a tea party along down the road 沿路有個茶話會 Make an appearance and maybe they'll sing us a song 應邀參加,他們也許會齊聲歌唱歡迎我們的到來 Dancing through a dream 在漫天星辰下 Underneath the stars 與夢為伴,翩翩起舞 Laughing till the morning comes 開懷大笑直至黎明來臨 Everyone that leaves has a heavy heart 小伙伴們都帶著沉重的心情戀戀不捨地離開 Oooh, wonderland I love 哦~~我最愛的仙境樂園 Nothing around here is quiet 一無所有,世界安靜 As it seems 變幻莫測,虛無縹緲 Not sure if anything is real or a dream 分不清它是現實還是夢境 And the only thing sure from the start 從始至終唯一可以確定的是 Is the song that's inside of your heart 迴響在你內心深處的那首歌 Don't let it leave 美好稍縱即逝 If this was a dream then at least I've got 如果夢醒時分,只是黃粱一夢 Memories for when morning comes 至少我擁有了夢醒以前的美好回憶 Now that I must leave with a heavy heart 現在我不得不拖著沉重的心情離開 Oooh, wonderland I love 哦~~我最愛的仙境樂園