- Clockartz A New Beginning 歌詞
- Clockartz
- Not so long ago we found ourselves
回首往昔,我們找尋自我 Between the pages of a strange but new beginning 在陌生的篇章中開始新的探索 And even though the path before us was unclear 儘管我們面前的道路還很迷茫 And we had no knowledge of what lies ahead 儘管我們對前方一無所知 But somehow we knew 但不知為何,我們感知得到 Through every challenge 通過每一次挑戰 Through every heartbreak and disappointment 經歷每一次心碎和失望 Through all the darkness we find a light 穿過所有的黑暗,我們終將得到光明 We become one 那一瞬間我們都散發著光芒 The time has come to move on 是時候繼續前進了 And open up to a new world 打開一個新世界