- Frozen Night Zenith 歌詞
- Frozen Night
- My journey begins towards the icy grey dawn
我朝著灰暗的地平線進發 And I see all that torments life and nature 萬物蒼生都在蒙受痛苦 - The sky rains frozen gems 冰晶從蒼穹傾盆而下 Fragmenting glass spears us 無數的碎片戳刺著我們 Black clouds forming 烏雲聚攏 Lands drenched in shade 土地冰封 The final struggle of ice and fire 霜與火的最終對決即將到來 - At the throat of the world, lead me forward 佇立於世界的巔峰,我將繼續前行 Time embraces the immortal winter 時間終究會消逝這永恆的寒冬 The earth below me so grandiose 腳下的土地是如此廣袤 Lightning strikes from all paths 閃電在我的周遭轟鳴著 - High over the heavenly plains 高踞在這片土地之上 The storm rages on and we're ascending further to space 風暴肆虐著,我們在雲海之上周旋 In the eyes of the beast I see the dark, twisted pain and the destructive beautiful strength 我看見,在冰霜巨龍的身上,氤氳著黑暗,痛苦,以及無比強大的力量 A white light blinds my sight 白光模糊了我的視線 Diamond shards cloud my vision 寒冰籠罩了我的視野 My last hope is the star 夜空中渺遠的星辰就是我最後的希望