- Eddie Vedder guaranteed 歌詞
- Eddie Vedder
- On bended knee is no way to be free
匍匐在地無法尋得自由 Lifting up an empty cup, I ask silently 舉起空杯,對影三人,與寂靜為謀 All my destinations will accept the one thats me 四海為家浪跡天涯,我隨處行走 So I can breathe... 呼吸毋張口 Circles they grow and they swallow people whole 人脈如河流,將人心沖走 Half their lives they say goodnight to wives theyll never know 同床共枕的妻子漸成路邊查某 A mind full of questions 腦中疑問重重 and a teacher in my soul 心中琴聲悠悠 And so it goes... 起身再行走 Dont come closer or Ill have to go 別靠近,浪人的旅途無謂邂逅 Holding me like gravity are places that pull 遠方的美景始終佔據我的眼眸 If ever there was someone to keep me at home 如果說誰人還能撩動我的鄉愁 It would be you... 妳在我心頭 Everyone I come across, in cages they bought 太多的凡人都是生活的階下囚 They think of me and my wandering 他們鄙夷的眼光 but Im never what they thought 無法將我內心看透 Ive got my indignation 我亦會憤懣詛咒 but Im pure in all my thoughts 但是心已掃淨污垢 Im alive... 活著需自由 Wind in my hair, I feel part of everywhere 風拂過發際,大地包裹四周 Underneath my being is a road that disappeared 身後路漸行漸遠,唯有靈魂駐足停留 Late at night I hear the trees 昨夜樹影婆娑 theyre singing with the dead 逝去的生命歌唱離愁 Overhead... 唱不盡心憂 Leave it to me as I find a way to be 且讓我走,我命中註定浪游 Consider me a satellite, forever orbiting 我如同那衛星,漂浮軌道在遙遠宇宙 I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me 我明了事情道理,循規蹈矩卻不能夠 Guaranteed 天 意亦難酬...... (《天意難酬》---Ervin譯作)